"Meet the ECs" is a featurette which we will run weekly, or as often as we can find volunteers among our endorsed contributors. It is a question-and-answer style interview which will give you a glimpse into the life of one of our endorsed members. The stories are anonymized, and provided for your benefit.

Awakening to Red Pill truth is a slow, painstaking process, and it can seem impossible to reach the levels of proficiency attained by our endorsed contributors. Our goal here is to remove the magic and mysticism of Red Pill success. Our endorsed members are not super-powered carbon-copy pussy wizards. Their lives are varied, their life experiences are different, their talents and interests are often dissimilar, and everything that they have achieved is also achievable by you, as long as you put in the work. These men are not heroes or role models, they are regular men who have learned how to live free.

Here is the story of one such regular man, /u/Meat-on-the-table.

During the Blue Pill Days

Before you had your awakening, what were your aspirations in life and in love?

I've never been part of the blue pill paradigm of wanting a single "love of my life" and children. I got female attention from a very early age, and it shaped how I viewed love, sex, and relationships. TRP explained the dynamics for me, and put into stone what I had seen my whole life up until that point.

What was your biggest Blue Pill illusion/delusion?

That I just happened to be surrounded by bad women, and there were good ones out there.


What was a significant life event that contributed to or led to your Red Pill awakening?

When the local good girl was caught cheating on her newlywed husband. It was interesting to see and realise at an early age that every woman was capable of being a complete slag under the right circumstances.

Red Pill Life

When was a moment where you realized you were on the other side?

Pre-TRP, I didn't realise exactly what was happening every time I interacted with a potential lay. Post-TRP though, everything suddenly clicked, and I understood exactly what I had been doing right and wrong. One day, I was hanging out with a bunch of friends and acquaintances, including a lass who had a crush on me and the simp who, unbeknownst to me, was hopefully in love with her. I flirted with her, basically led her around with me, and danced and got up close and personal with her. Later on, we made out, all while we watched. When my friend told me about the guy's feelings afterwards, all I could do was be grateful that I was on the other end. Different circumstances, and I might have been the romantic watching the woman he loved fawn over some fella.

How do you derive meaning and purpose for your own life?

Family. Career and progress. I didn't come from fortunate circumstances by any means, so one of my goals was to help set up my family, especially my cousins, on a better path in life.

I am also in a field that I not only love, but am good at. This, along with my hobbies and general curiosity for life, keep me focused on what matters.

What are your aspirations in life and in love now that you have awoken?

Freedom. In every form it can manifest.

What still challenges you?

Overcoming the desire to help or "save" other men. I have a bit of a Save-a-Lad complex, that results in me trying to set other young men on the right path.

Without being too specific, what industry do you work in? In what ways is Red Pill knowledge advantageous for you and your career?

I'm in development consultancy. It's a political industry to say the least, and there are more women than men by a large margin. RP knowledge has helped me navigate the constant dynamics that crop up any time you have a mid-to-large sized group of people with varying ideas on how to accomplish the same task. Most importantly, I know when to speak and when to simply act.

What's an article, theory post, video, or other resource in the RP community/manosphere that really shifted your way of thinking?

I enjoy Uncle Vasily's work, because he's an older guy who lives a life that seems compatible with what and where I would like to be in a few decades. Whisper's posts are another great source of knowledge, and a great reminder of the bare bones truth that our human desire for comfort and ease might blind us to.

What advice do you wish you'd had, or would you want to pass along to a man who is still waking up?

Learn from your mistakes and don't let them become regrets or define the rest of your life. You've already spent enough time being less than you could be; no more. It's never too late to become a better version of yourself. And never stop lifting and improving yourself in general. Never Stop!