TL:DR - In my last post, I touched upon getting over past pain and trauma. That was an exercise to free you from the weight of the past. This time, I want to free you from the weight of an imaginary future that becomes more meaningless the farther you look. Then you are free within and can unleash the inner creator in this moment. TRP doesn't prescribe any particular end game. The game is yours, because YOU are the man. You decide your path and own it.

Of late I keep seeing a lot of guys who keep wondering "What is the ultimate end game of a Red Pilled Aware life?" These guys usually fall into some standard patterns.

One type will create an imaginary future life where and then pick holes in their own ideas and wonder about the meaninglessness of it and ask "Then what?". They haven't realized that it is this whole exercise of living in a future limited by the imagination that is meaningless in the first place. Somewhere they become victims in their own minds.

Some people might have actually come to the point where they got all the tools, have success with women and then when their hunger has been satiated with a lot of women, then they ask, "Now what?"

Some people still have trouble digesting the ultimate impermanence of all objects and people (This last one can cause a major crisis). "So what?"

Some people can get into a crisis if they can't figure out a purpose for living. "What is it all for?"

You can be the guy who knows it all by now, how to create the life he wants, how to bed hordes of women, how to be successful. You have learn all your lessons well. But what if you're still having a crisis and a deep feeling something's still inadequate? This is for you.

This is also for guys who've come on paths like me. When I came here, I was suffering from two things, one was a lot of past pain and anger. Ok, eventually I began to see stuff and come around. But right away, something keep holding me back. It was this "What's the point of it all?" question. When I was stuck in my past, I was feeling my past wounds. When I was in the future, I was staring into meaninglessness. In a way I was lucky I hit this point of rock bottom at the beginning, because lots of people hit this much later down the road and often end up derailing the life they've worked hard to create.

If too much past can lead to deep trauma and dysfunctional patterns, too much future can lead to an existential crisis for meaning. One junior fresher I know in my university jumped off the building roof cause he looked so far ahead he didn't see the point of living. True.

Endgame issues, Meaninglessness and Existential Crises usually go hand in hand. Because they are symptoms of the same malady - looking to a non-existent future for answers and salvation. So let's first address the Existential Crisis.

First women aren't ever the ultimate purpose of your life. They are the icing on the cake, the flower on the tree. YOU and YOUR LIFE are the cake and the tree. If you chase women as an ultimate goal, you will become unfulfilled after a certain amount of success. That's your own soul trying to tell you something -- there's stuff to take care of about you and your life that no one from the outside can fill up. People like this are still needy and have deeper issues within them that aren't fixed. If you have done all this not for you, but only for women, then you haven't truly enjoyed your own growth or loved yourself. You have to become a high value authentic man living a high value authentic life. It's not necessary to become Jeff Bezos, but you have to create intrinsic value for yourself and allow your potential to find it's full expression. Or else you will suffer from the pain of never having truly lived or utilized your gifts. An existential crisis can happen if some authentic part of you that needs to find expression hasn't been able to do so. Once life turns truly abundant, more will happen to you than you have imagined. Women have their place, but they are not the core of your life. You are.

Second, that imaginary life in your future doesn't exist anywhere else but in your mind. Life is now. You think about the past now. You imagine the future right now. The now is therefore bigger than time itself. The farther and farther you go into an outcome oriented / dependent imaginary future in your mind, the more meaningless it will become. Because life isn't happening there, it is happening here. If you look too far up ahead, eventually all you'll see is death. Life isn't there ok? What you choose to do with what is reality in this moment is what goes on to create your REAL future, which will always be bigger than what you think - if you care to look. Life in the mind is always horribly limited to a tiny oneitis that might not even be true, it is like the silly stories you tell yourself when something happens to you. The problem here is that mental narrator in your mind, your ego. If you become aware of this disease, that awareness will snap you out of it in the long run. You won't die. You will finally come to life. Once you do, oneitis, meaninglessness and depression will no longer stay your best friends. Between a painful past and a meaningless future, this present moment is your escape door.

And finally, yes, all objects and people in your life are indeed impermanent. Read that once more and try to swallow it without resisting or bringing up your ideas on how you think life should be -- those ideas are what are making you miserable. This is a hard pill to swallow, but the only way out is through. The only permanent presence in your life was indeed you all the time, before the beginning, during the middle, and after the end. Spend some time observing yourself and wondering what is it that can witness itself. Don't answer the question with ideas. Look. Let the question answer itself.

So here's the solution to facing impermanence. When something or someone leaves you, or some way of living no longer works as well as before, there is an emptiness where those people or objects used to be. This emptiness is at first felt as very deep pain. To avoid this, people turn to all sorts of stuff to fill that hole inside themselves. But I advocate the hard road -- go with the flow, come to acceptance, embrace the emptiness and be empty for a while till you are totally comfortable. Let things dissolve. Once you're done, you'll see this emptiness isn't really pain - it's inner peace. Being without any baggage. This is your inner man cave, the only thing that is constant - everything else happens only within this. It is not actually empty once you know it, inner peace is the source of fresh inspiration and abundance. It is that unfathomable thing that makes the difference between a living body and a dead one. It is the base and anchor you're seeking.

If you make meditation a daily affair like going to the gym and lifting, you'll see that this inner presence is always available to you. And it itself is so fulfilling your need for pleasure (and the depression that drives it) goes DOWN - even boredeom goes away due to inner peace. When it does, you come back to life and suddenly everything seems fresh. This is the secret ingredient that makes everything meaningful. When you are in a zone or a flow state, this principle is active and it makes you perform like you're on God mode - truly no one has ever done anything better or felt better than when they tapped into this. It isn't empty, rather if you look at where every solution and creative idea or thought or insight comes from, this is it - your inner man cave. Look at children, they don't have anything of their own, but can you be as alive as they are with the wisdom and capacity of an adult?

Once you have found your inner cave, you will soon accept what comes and goes without it being the center of your existence (fact is, those things never were), so you won't die when it goes away. You are the center of your existence. Existential crisis happens because you have failed to realize your own being is indeed the most important thing and you failed to distinguish between life and the objects / people in your life. That being hasn't found it's full and authentic expression. If you know things come and go, you'll actually live more intensely with them knowing that their time is limited.

Once you are here and now, you realize freedom and responsibility for your life and find yourself creating your future through every moment. Yes, there's society, there's the laws, there're women, there are your own limitations, the West might be digging it's own grave - etc..etc.. But never forget the creator within you or the fact that reality is much bigger than you can capture. Against all odds, man has come so far. That creator can do things beyond you.

An interesting concept covered in Extreme Ownership is taking responsibility even for things not under your control. This is not about blaming yourself. The truth is, everything in your awareness already exists within you. It's that when you choose to own things that you can't control, you realize you can work with them and do things others would have not even considered because they just let themselves become victims of a very narrow view of living. Their minds got in their own way and stopped them from unleashing the creator within. But when they got out of their own way, suddenly new possibilities emerged.

And then there's the "end game". Ok you got all the lessons. But what's the ultimate point of it all? Looking for an end game usually means one of two things -- either you're unfulfilled with the way things are going, or you're looking for that day when all your woes will end and you'll be happily ever after and you can relax. If relaxation is what you want, you must relax everyday through meditation or a massage or good sleep, or just being free of mental masturbation of junk thoughts and stop resisting this moment - this moment is the only one where there is no stress or that burden of time that makes you want it all to end and relax. If you think that moment will come in the future, you might make it to the milestone, but to your shock, life doesn't end. It still goes on. Do you want to be frustrated, or do you want to enjoy the journey? If the journey is fulfilling, why do want an end? Again, it's just looking to the future for your salvation.

So what is the "end" game prescribed by TRP? Is it just casual sex, or plates forever? Friends with benefits? Or will you one day get tired of it all and renounce the world and turn to Jesus or Buddha (ala Roosh)? Or are you supposed to eventually get into an LTR without marriage? Or should you get married and have kids and ensure genetic victory despite all the risks it carries? Is it about getting really rich? Is it about "Return of the Patriarchy!?" Or do we insist you form your own little kingdom with a harem to boot?

The answer is - There is no endgame prescribed by TRP. TRP is just knowledge and tools that will help you fix your shit, become the man you should have been and help you out getting the life and sex you need. Whatever 'endgame' (if that's what you want to call it) is what path YOU choose AND what you're capable of and willing to own. We just keep harping against marriage because of what it has become in the present day, at least in the West.

Yes, this is the final step toward moving away from the boy and being a man. So far you walked the path laid by others and what they said and prescribed. Now you know all that is known and have seen it for yourself what is truth, what works and what isn't real. At this point no one is there to hold your hand anymore. Now you have to choose the road ahead. And that's what being a man ultimately is, taking full responsibility for yourself and your life. Are you still subtly a victim?

Any path you choose has its own consequences. As a man, you own them whatever they may be. Just this will over time automatically give you your own moral compass. You ought to know what you are getting into, or if you're venturing into the unknown, at least be willing to listen and let your own life teach you along the way. Your inner cave is your best friend, look at it. Everything ever created came out of that place - from nothing but latent potential that woke to inspiration.

The idea of some big grand master plan and purpose as an endgame to life sounds very romantic. Unfortunately it is a delusion. Because at some point, you realize you're the one creating your plans and games. To live life.

You choose how you want to live and own it. This means you have to be proactive, self driven and where there is nothing driving you out of sheer compulsion, you have to create desire and drive consciously. You have to create your own purpose. That needs some strength and willingness, but it only seems perplexing at first. Once you start deciding what you want to do, you'll see it's actually easier than you think and in one way, it is quite liberating to know you're responsible for your life. Or would you have it that a guardian angel held your hand and told you "This is it. Just do this and you'll live happily ever after?" That's what we as children would like, but that is not what will allow us to become men. A whole new dimension of creative potential within you only awakens when you take charge of yourself.

I know what you might be thinking, "I'm disappointed, I was just hoping you'd hold my hand and give me all the answers and band aids. Just say it and I'll do it" No! Once you have reached this far, and known all that has already been said, you will stand on your own legs and find the answers within. Believe us, soon you'll be good enough to teach others. You will add your own unique contribution down the road and someone else will benefit by reading you.

The easy way was the way of pleasure, the way of the sheep, but the other side of the coin was depression. The harder way demands more of you and gives you more freedom and more responsibility, the way of the lion, but it's fulfilling in a way pleasure cannot do.

We aren't going to define your purpose(s) for you beyond helping you become a man who knows the truth. You are the one who is going to do that. And you can.

Does that make you feel uncomfortable? Well, purpose, while it is indeed very very important, is not the end goal of living. A purpose is there so that you can DO things with your life and gifts. But ultimately a purpose serves the goal of living your life as you want, it is not bigger than your life itself. A purpose will create motivation and goals, focus your energy, drive you to action, unleash your potential, stop you from stagnating into a piece of shit masturbating his life away in pleasure and becoming depressed. Purpose serves life well. But it is in some way impermanent and may change as life flows on.

But at the other end, enslaving life for some imaginary idea of ultimate prescribed purpose in the future has made many people depressed when they realized there was no big grand universal end game. What they failed to realize is that purpose serves life, not the other way around. The people who lost their motivation to live after they realized there was no big purpose in the future forgot that the gift of life was given to them so that THEY could create their purposes and own them. They wanted the universe to do it for them instead of doing it themselves. They waited to live in the future rather than creating that future while living now. Some of them also used purpose to mask the unease and boredom within themselves and there were deeper issues inside.

There is no ultimate prescribed purpose or end game to life. You create purpose so that life can get moving and express itself to its fullest through you. Or life makes you create a purpose by circumstances or inspiration. Life itself is so profound the unfolding of it and living it can become the ultimate goal in itself, if you live it well. Purpose just directs it in one direction.

If you do complete one purpose, and feel lost or meaningless, you sit down and come back to your being, the emptiness, the point of origin and just be and look. You can totally live without a mental label, and very well. Then either you will consciously create a new purpose, or life will take you places or you find fresh inspiration. Whatever it is, you'll come back to life, and that's priority number 1. There is no need to have an existential meltdown just because there is no prescribed end game somewhere in the distant future other than what game you decide to play now. It means that the road ahead is wide open and you can create your life. You just find it uncomfortable because you never tried to create your life consciously without something or someone always kicking your ass. You creating your own purpose and endgame should be liberating, not a crisis.

So if you ask me "What's the point?" I'll tell you "The point you seek is here and now, you." But if you ask "What's the end game of TRP?" -- it was to become the man. "And then? What's the purpose of life?" Well now that you get it, only YOU are going to answer that and own it. That's the last lesson. Because YOU'RE the man. You tell us.

PS : Don't let this be taken as though this is my last post or comment - I have a lot to learn from this place and the sister subs. It's just that after this, every other thing I or you learn are just perfecting the process. But this problem can and does happen to everyone who's been there and done it all and still has a major inner crisis. That's why I called it "The Last lesson". Without this one thing, you are not yet free and it could come back to sabotage you down the road.