For those who don't know, Hillary Clinton has just announced that she's officially running for President in 2016. Your humble author was about as surprised at this as he was that the sun came up this morning.

I'm not here to talk about Hillary's campaign or politics. No, I'm here to discuss how our unlikely heroine is indeed a shining example of AWALT.

Here is her first campaign video, for anyone who wants a glimpse into what her priorities are. Note the single mothers and beta males. This is who she courts; this is what she says.

She says she wants to be a feminist "champion" of women and disadvantaged men who "have the deck stacked against them" (read: low value men). Yes, indeed.

But, like many of you here, /u/Dark-Ulfberht has learned to look for truth by the observation of action, rather than speech. So, let's examine Hillary's actions to see what she really thinks of low-value men.

Certainly a woman who comes from the Rodham family, who boasted a law degree, and who clearly has no need of financial support is able to choose a mate free from the petty trappings of patriarchy. Right?

So, we should expect Hillary to have chosen a supplicative beta male whom feminists tell us they so value. Right?

Nope. She married Bill Clinton, a dark triad narcissist and womanizer whose ambitions were greater than her own!

Ah, but such is love, no? We cannot pick whom we love, even mighty feminist champion Hillary. Nevertheless, as a strong woman, she clearly sets boundaries that Bill must follow. Right?

Wrong again! He cheats on her left and right, up and down, round and round. One such instance (and everyone here knows damnwell there were more) becomes a major public scandal! He fucking thoroughly humiliated her in front of the whole goddamn country!

Feminists across the land would of course predict that our heroine would kick ol' Bill to the curb. But, here at TRP we know what's up. She "stood by her man," despite claiming everything to the contrary. I wonder if she had been with Bill's brother, What's His Name Clinton, whether she'd have done the same?

The lesson is simple: women want someone more powerful and who holds higher status than themselves. If a woman lives in a box, she looks for the man in the trailer. If she lives in the trailer, the man in the house will do nicely, unless there happens to be a man with a bigger house who's interested. If she's queen, she wants an emperor. If she's empress, she wants God himself.

Hillary for President of the United States! Bill for Imperator of Earth!