What is it with men keeping toxic exes around and expecting it to not be a problem?

I'm not going to fight someone for you, and why would I want to date you when it means having to deal with a spiteful jealous ex who's constantly around? Firstly, deal with that before dating someone else, and secondly - if dating you comes with a side order of misery, I'm better off without. Also, why do you want this in your life? Seriously.

Same with guys who say "oh I really want you to get along with my friends" and those friends are moody antisocial misery sinks who make zero effort to get along with or even get to know you, but it's your problem if you don't want to spend time with them.

I don't need to have the same friends as my partner, we are separate people with our own lives. But you can be damn sure that if I introduced him to my friends, they'd make an effort. If your friends can't be bothered to even try and engage your partner in conversation when you introduce her, or ask her any questions or show any interest whatsoever in having her there...maybe the problem is them?
