My core TRP take-away tenets after 12 months learning, questioning & contributing in /r/TheRedPill ( Am : german, in the 40s, IT-Freelancing, LTR behind me since +12months)

  1. AWALT & the almighty hamster (All my exGF, My Mother and my Sister)
  2. Frame. Define and spell out what you want when interacting with a female mate.
  3. Concept of SMV. Yours. "Hers". My take-away: Reflect if you want to keep trading in time you can spend on yourself for developing plates / leads for intercourse/intimacy/sex - and how much that time is worth - for you.
  4. Don´t be betabux - My take-away: I told a suitable woman, mother of 2 who looked me up and semi-stalks me, now in the middle of her divorce that I will never step in to be a "new dad" -(TRP core tenet) - and I framed our communication successfully - and am not looking to seduce her - what she knows and takes into account
  5. "Nice guy syndrom" - it´s real - nobody besides TRP told me - there´s a book to unlearn unhealthy behaviour patterns - which is what I am doing. If you reacted passive-agressively in the past, or held back with expressing what is important to you - look into these patterns - the symptome also can relate to your father or even females that you know - learn how to handle it or how to counter it.
  6. Alpha vs Beta - for some it´s a world view - for some an ideology - for others it´s purely situational awareness There is a thing as a "relative beta" - the wing-man falling into his own sword. IMHO alpha & beta are the most misunderstood & ambiguous concepts within TRP
  7. You are either the orbiter to a person - or the person is the orbiter to you - or (3rdly): there is a non-reaction-situation between the both of you- You have to decide how you want to (see 2.) frame the relationship. View of TRP: Never be the orbiter, it does not pay off.
  8. With a a heavy dose from MGTOW - always seek to improve yourselves as a goal in and on itself - don´t seek approval by others. Don´t court women - put yourself in a position where they court you. Use the concept of SMV (yours/hers) to decide if you you want to spend your time with her.