So y'all remember the friend with the controlling boyfriend that I was talking about. The one who can't spend less than 30 minutes up her boyfriend's ass. Yeah the inevitable happened.

So she finally made time to spend with me day before yesterday. She was supposed to come over and hang out. I was excited. She called me about two hours before she was supposed to be there saying that she was bringing him over because her car needed an oil change so they were carpooling. I felt a little off by it because I didn't want him in my house, but if I had to sacrifice that to spend time with my friend, so be it. I just really wanted to spend with her. So they came over, I was cordial I even held a pleasant conversation WITH eye contact.

She texted me yesterday saying that she felt the vibe was off. I told her because "you know I don't like him and you still brought him to my house. He could've dropped you off." That turned into a whole thing and she said that we could hang out just us yesterday. I said cool. Husband gets back from school at 5 so he'll take the baby and we can have girl time. She said she'd be here by 8.

Y'all, I really stayed up until 1130 waiting on her. No phone call. No text. No smoke signal. Nothing. Even made his morning, not a mumbling word. Im done y'all. She made her choice. She's told me time and time again that im important to her...apparently not. Her dick is more important than her friend. She can keep it that way.