Don’t question if he really meant to treat you that way. Don’t question if he really intended to hurt you like that.

The point is, he did make you feel disrespected. The right man will put in a lot of effort into making sure you don’t feel negative emotions when you’re around him because he’s afraid to lose you.

All too often, as women, we doubt our feelings, as if we’re just misreading the situation and surely there’s a better explanation?

There is no better explanation. He did disrespect you. Don’t make excuses for what he did, thinking that he didn’t mean it, because he absolutely did. Thoughtlessness isn’t something you should tolerate in a partner.

Don’t doubt your feelings because I can assure you, in the majority of cases, we feel disrespected because we have been disrespected. That feeling doesn’t come from out of nowhere. Don’t minimize your feelings. Listen to them because they will guide you better than any words a man will give you.

If you have to wonder if you’re being disrespected, that’s because you are. A man who respects you will never make you question his level of respect for you. You never have to worry about it because you just feel it by default.

Also, a man can respect you for a long time, but then take it away. The moment he does that, walk away. Just because he treated you nicely in the past, doesn’t excuse his actions that cause you pain in the present. Always be prepared to walk away the moment he stops respecting you. Don’t stick around, hoping he’ll go back to how he once was. The only way to make a man listen is not by arguing with him about how to treat you, but by showing him with your actions that you’re not going to put up with his shitty treatment of you.