Betas and Alphas are entirely different creatures on a metaphysical level.

The Beta Male clings to codes.

“Those who know, don’t say. Those who say, don’t know.” -Buddha

When I use the word “code,” I mean it in the broadest possible sense. HTML code is just one of many types of code that Betas cling to. Beta Males are scared to face any reality without first consulting a comforting map of it. Betas cling to moral codes, behavioral codes, and language itself. (Language, written or spoken, is just a way to codify thought.)

The Beta Male ultimately misses the forest for the trees. They confuse the map for the territory. Betas are more concerned with codifications of reality than reality itself. A Beta male would rather win an argument than fuck a woman.

We can observe this pattern everywhere. Quentin Tarantino has many hallmarks of an “Alpha Male” – he leads men to glory, he’s rich, he’s tall, he’s successful. Yet he’s ultimately a Beta male, and one of his key “Beta Tells” is the fact that he needs to be “right.” Betas like Quentin desperately cling to a rhetorical code of “right” and “wrong,” and they are utterly unable to manufacture that code for themselves. In Quentin’s mind, if he’s verbally right and someone else is verbally wrong, then he wins – no matter whether or not he’s actually made any profit, or fucked any women.

Another great illustration of a Beta’s need for codes comes in a recent Buzzfeed video. This is a video of a Beta Male and his(presumably) CC-riding girlfriend. The Beta Male is pulling a next-level Beta Move: Writing a song for his girlfriend after they’ve already broken up. (This video sad as fuck, bros. It’s like posthumous wooing… retroactive courtship. He’s so locked into the role of “Dancing Clown” that he continues to play it even after his relationship has ended.)

In the evolutionary race of reproduction, this Beta has been defeated. He has lost access to a womb. His genetic legacy is uncertain. So it’s a bit incredible that throughout the video’s introduction, the Beta claims to “win!”

That’s because he can’t create his own definition of success. He must latch onto a code created by others, and the easiest code to latch onto is the rubric of rhetorical “correctness” (debating skills.) The Beta in the Buzzfeed video is clinging to this code of “correctness” so desperately that he believes the code of rhetorical correctness is more important than the unspoken (and therefore, to the Beta, inscrutable) code of reproductive victory.

Betas cling to codes because they feel a deep fear of their ability to create codes themselves. They can’t create playing fields. Betas must step onto a pre-existing playing field in order to feel like they are winning a legitimate victory, rhetorical or otherwise.

The Beta's need for codes might be rooted in childhood behavioral patterns. When they were young, these Beta Males surely lacked the social skills to round up a gang of neighborhood kids for a pick-up game of soccer. They literally couldn’t create games. If they wanted to play a game, they had to join one created by another kid – frankly, a more “Alpha” kid.


In childhood, young Alphas brought the ball to the soccer match. They rounded up the kids and created the game.

Meanwhile, young Betas came to the soccer match infrequently, because they were busy studying. Beta children often concern themselves with codes – usually, that means studying school-provided codes of information.

In adulthood, Grown Alphas create the soccer balls that people buy at the store. (Or they start companies that create other products.) Adult Alpha Males round up Beta Males and create codes of mission, meaning, and morality for these Betas to cling to.

Meanwhile, adult Betas eat cheetos and work at Oracle as Web Developers, writing programming code to win the respect of their peers and superiors… while Larry Ellison silently thumbs through his money, trying to decide which european model to fuck tonight.

The Alpha Male creates codes for Beta Males to cling to.

“Control the options. Deal the cards that others must choose from.” -Robert Greene

Alpha males deal the cards. Alpha Males face reality head-on. Alpha Males create the codes that the Betas require in order to have meaning in their lives.

If one person had created the entire english language, that person would be the Alpha-est Alpha Male to have ever walked the earth. That person would be single-handedly responsible for dealing all of the linguistic cards that every english-speaking person could possibly choose from.

Obviously, no one can single-handedly create a vast language like English. But Alpha Males can and do create codes of a smaller scope. Alphas create moral codes, creative works, and tools that Betas use to feel secure in the universe.

Meanwhile, Alphas do not really feel the need to say anything at all. They think in powertalk. They have grown beyond the childish need for codes.

Alpha Males do not need moral codes, linguistic codes, or codes of conduct. They act on instinct and they shape their instincts through discipline.

Alpha Males ultimately do not even need language.

Understanding The Red Pill

Familiarize yourself with the concepts of Powertalk and Straighttalk.

Powertalk is what they’re doing in this video from The Wolf of Wall Street – the words they saying do not match up at all with their internal thought processes. They’re speaking in a secret language of hidden meaning. They’re also Alpha as fuck, because Alphas are fluent powertalkers.

Straighttalk is different. Straighttalk is fact-based, logical communication. Everyone can speak in straighttalk – but Betas are often limited to straighttalk exclusively.

In nature, Alphas do not need language. As soon as they achieve alpha-ness, they utterly lose the need to explain SHIT. (As GayLubeOil touched on in his recent "TRP in Context" post, this was one of the problems with unplugging 1.0) The opinion that accompanies an Alpha-type mindset is that you are not required to explain anything to anyone, and you DEFINITELY don’t need to explain yourself. In a sense, Alphas lose the ability to explain themselves – because they never ever see the need to use it.

However, when dudes make the transition from Beta to Alpha after living in a world of straighttalk their entire lives, they retain the ability to explain themselves in straighttalking terms. That is The Red Pill.

TRP is the cold, bare, harsh truth about the world, laid out in terms so brutally honest that it causes revulsion in people who think and speak in powertalk. Frankly, both women and IRL Alpha Males are sometimes revolted by TRP, because the language of TRP is simply not a sexy language.

If you showed TRP to your Alpha Granddad from the south, he would be like “What the fuck is this horseshit, son? Who needs this shit?” Alpha Granddad has long since lost the need to straighttalk about topics like women.

But we haven’t. So I will continue to codify the weird realities of Alphas and Betas and Bitches ’n shit. Even though this need to codify the world may be Beta, I’m chill with that. I like to explain shit in an articulate manner in order to help bros lose the need to compulsively explain shit themselves.

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into dat ass.