This is my first post here. I have a specific example. There is a guy from high school I was always a bit competitive with and sometimes would be sort of snarky with each other but for the most part we got along. We didn’t hate each other but we weren’t really friends either.

It’s been almost four years since I graduated and he was a senior when I was. I recently re followed and also caught up with him and noticed he has a lot of female friends but at the same time is masculine. He comes off as very kind but at the same time assertive and confident.

We are both involved in the arts. I know he always wanted a career in theater and I’m currently pursuing a career/degree in music (production and performance) both are professions that are full of women so orbiters And simps are quite common in those fields

It just seems like a paradox because he’s a guy who’s confident, assertive, in very good shape, but also has a lot of platonic female friends. I also assume that while he very well could do the whole spinning plates thing he wouldn’t want to because that may be immoral to him. It’s confusing because he seems pretty alpha but has a lot of “blue pilled” behaviors but it’s still kinda hard to call him a simp.

How would you guys describe this situation?