Broke up with gf of 2yrs for unrelated reasons to question. Wondering what your guys take is on girls you're with hooking up with other girls.

Not sure what to make of it, just looking for some clarity I guess. I've never been cool with my girl hooking up with other girls, I still think of it as cheating tbh. Almost broke up with her for making out with a different friends wife. (all my married friends are bp and dont seem to care about this like I do) Wondering what the communities take is on it. I'd be fine with girl on girl if it was a three som.

Anyway, found out from different friends wife a week after our brakeup that my gf went to her place one night after she left mine, did a bunch of Pepsi with her and railed her on her couch (unfamiliar with what girls call it when they f each other) than told her not to tell me. Seems like cheating to me. Makes me wonder what other shit she'd been doing behind my back.

Tldr; ex ltr banged buddies wife while we were together, behind my back, wondering if you'd call that cheating.