And specifically, did your self improvement show any signs of improving your dating in romantic life?

I've been over my self-improvement journey many times in the sub and I don't disagree with self-improvement helping your overall quality of life.

Yet at the same time even when I was just starting to get my life back on track oh, I knew there was no guarantee for anything to change and even now that I'm older I'm realizing that hard work does not really equal results.

And I get that sounds pessimistic but it's also a little relieving because a person can only do so much.

I'll be 24 in January and I thought I would at least have my art degree finished and at least starting out in the art field but that is okay and I'm happy with the progress I have made in the last 6 years.

But it's funny looking back when I was 18 and starting out with my networking.

I put in a lot of work in myself as I was working out constantly and I was joining clubs and activity groups like crazy. I started producing more artwork and posted it online and I found a small following and it really did help my self-esteem

I then went to a community college for a couple of years and did really well and my networking and social skills were so good that I impressed the dean at my school and she invited me for class trip to France.

I'm doing well in school and I'm super social and I even started to club which is sort of my vice now because I smoke and drink constantly.

Ironically clubbing is where I kind of started to be mystify women a lot because I interacted with women and almost every single environment except for that one. I danced with girls I've even been forcefully twerked on

And you can see even when all of these girls look super gorgeous and are high or drunk off their rocker they all still had a varied personalities and quirks and that did really help my anxiety with approaching and even getting physical but that being said that was just in club settings.

But I digress I really want to hear about your Journeys as well because I am assuming most of us in this sub or at least in high school up to our 30s