Hey guys,

Broke up with an ex 4 months ago.

Been getting laid a lot with a variety of girls since. Never had a rotation of girls before. Never had this much sex in my life.

Weirdly, it’s gotten boring for me. Almost seems like a chore when girls come over. I think my idealization of romance and love were killed in my last relationship and I am incredibly disillusioned with women. I am now aloof and just don’t care which I realize has actually made me more attractive to women.

I am 30 years old, am on my purpose, have leveled up t financially recently, and by all measures my life is going well. I eat healthy and take care of my body.

But, sex / women just aren’t doing it for me anymore. I don’t know if this is a libido thing or simply just an abundance thing. I get laid like 4/5 days out of the week now, but its just not doing it for me anymore. Like I can’t get that high anymore.

Any of you experienced something similar?