You see it all the time in these subs. “Women like selfish badboys who show they don’t care; men like sweet good girls who show that they do.”

If this is the case, why have SO many of my sweet, “innocent” friends gotten cheated on? Treated like shit and abused? One of my friends bought her boyfriend a new gift each week (for his birthday, an entire TRUCK) only for him to fuck a well-known disgusting slut in their bed. Another one of my friends treated her man like a king (putting him way above herself) and STILL cries about him saying vile shit to her. I admit, I know more women than men who have been dumpers, but the few female dumpees I know ALL fit the “sweet girl” image. Hilariously enough, some them were out of their boyfriends’ leagues.

To me it seems like all you get from men from being sweet and giving is taken for granted completely stomped on. They seem to feel a disgust for these women VERY similar to what women feel for “betas”.

Are my experiences just rare or do men TRULY like good girls?