Explain to them the blackpill as Chad. About how study's show women find 80% of men to be unattractive, polling collage Tinder users found that 250/300 women who tried tinder got laid using the app where as less than 50/300 collage men were able to manage the same, in the past 10 years (since the rise of social media & online dating) male virginity under 30 skyrocketed from 1/10 to 1/3 (while the virginity rates for women remain more or less unchanged) our mitochondrial DNA shows us that a more women than men reproduce, this mirrors the polygamous mating behaviour of all other mammalian species, etc.

I'd also like to see a Chad to playfully confront women on the dogpill. Mention that you know about all women's secret attraction to animals in general, dogs, horses, werewolves, vampires, bigfoot, etc. It's not that women evolved to be sexually attracted to dogs, it's more an unintended side effect of women having more mental & fluid sexuality (the ironic catch 22 of a woman's lower sex drive is that they have a higher threshold for being turned on by physical appearance, they are also turned on by less tangible mental qualities like dominance & status). Dogs unintentionally trigger the same buttons for what she instinctually wants in a man, a ruthless predator that she hopes to tame to protect her and her offspring from the cruel savage realities of life in the wilderness, her pussy doesn't know she's no longer part of the foodchain. This is why I can't help but buy that the dogpill must be true on some level, it makes too much sense and makes sense of all these many coincidences...