stats Age 36, height 188cm, weight 105kg, BF 15% LIFTS SQ 180kg 1RM DL 200kg 1RM BENCH 110kg 1RM OHP 75kg 1RM LTR3 years. Kids 2,9,12

Reading, all of the sidebar, at least twice

Ok, here’s the problem, a few weeks back my girlfriends mum agreed to have the kids for 3 nights, very very rare for that to happen. I booked an air bnb for us a few hours away and planned a couple of things to do whilst there. Anyway the weather in the Uk the past week has been dog shit, turns out the place we went (further north) was even worse, we spent all weekend fucking and eating which was fun. She was sweet and submissive the whole time, cooking me food and constantly doing things for me without me asking.

So after a relaxing weekend, we get home, she goes to her house I go mine, wake up this morning and go to the gym, then come home and had some DIY to do and some other things to catch up on.

Get a text off her this afternoon that reads

If there a reason you being weird it’s annoying the hot and cold tbh getting to me don’t know how much more of this I can take

I reply, I’m fine, we will talk about this in person.

Which I have to repeat a few times as she continues to text.

Then I get a text saying. sorry about earlier I just feel upset, do you want to Go to IKEA?

I said no thanks I’m busy. Which is true, she keeps saying how she has apologised and I’m carrying it (what ever ‘it’ is) on. I’m not Pissed off I just don’t really feel like rewarding her shitty behaviour.

And now she is convinced there’s something up with me, I don’t want to DEER to her how I’m fine so I STFU or I don’t know what you mean, I’m fine.

I realise this is pretty fucking trivial, who Knows/cares how a woman’s Brain works right? The reason I’m posting is because this is about the 4th time this has happened in recent months and I’d like to know if it’s something I’m doing, like being too nice to her at the weekend and now she’s extra shitty, I don’t mean nice in a nice guy way, I mean she’s had my full attention for 3 full days.

What is this?