We get so many questions, on almost a daily basis, from guys in shitty LTR's. Every situation is different, so what are some specific things you did that helped the dynamic in your LTR whether current or past? Might help answer the many questions we get every day.

Here are a few of mine:

  • An old LTR (when I first discovered TRP) always wanted an emotional argument. I went from arguing and yelling back pre TRP, to just calmly defending myself when I was a noob, to utter and completely ignoring it. No words other than, "If you're going to continue to act like a child, you can leave." After she played the "I'll leave, I will go!" game, expecting me to chase her down, and I didn't. She came back crying and never did it again. At the time it was pretty damn mind blowing to me just how well stoicism worked to crack her frame when she realized I was not going to be controlled.

Little things I did:

  • Do not comment on her social media pictures, and maybe "like" one of every 3 of them. Allow her orbiters to do the ass kissing. Every gf I have says, "Why don't you ever comment on my pics and tell me I'm pretty?" My response is usually something like: "I'd rather show you how hot I thinK you are in person by fucking you good." Then slap her ass.

  • Never seriously respond to a mention of an ex bf and what he did, a thirsty guy messaging her, or someone who flirted with her at work. If she's telling you about it there's a 90% chance it's just for a reaction. So either don't respond, or say, "You need some suggestions on a first date? I know of a few places." With a smirk.

  • Once in awhile allow some dread come into her hamster to reset things. Once, years ago when I worked with a lot of college aged women, I went to the store and bought an easter basket and filled it with "homemade" cookies, candy, and a note that just had a smiley face on it. My LTR at the time was getting a little too bullish for me. When she came over that night and saw the basket she asked who gave it to me and I just said, "I honestly don't know, it was on my desk at work when I came back from lunch." Fucked the shit out of me that night and seriously she was like in the new relationship phase with me for the next month. I wouldn't do that now because my LTR's are much better now than they used to be and I don't need to do that kind of stuff, but it worked to a fucking T.

Give some examples of things you did/do in your current or past LTR that helped the dynamic in your favor, and be sure to post how her behavior changed.