I'll update this when I get a chance, but for now, I'm just venting.

My wonderful unicorn of 8 years fucked a guy she met at a bar. I thought our relationship was fine. I had our entire life planned out. I was going to finish medical school and provide for her and our daughter.

Apparently this wasn't enough for her. She decided to fuck some guy she met at a bar while out with friends.

She came clean just now and I immediately explained that we are done. The thing that amazes me is that she didn't consider the consequences whatsoever. She didn't consider how her actions would affect our 2.5 year old daughter. She didn't think about how she's going to survive without me as a provider. She expects me to let her use my car to get to work and for me to be okay with my child not being home. She also expects to stay in my fucking house.

TL;DR: AWALT. Don't get married.