Functional societies:

In functional societies, women must operate in and cater themselves to the marriage market. This is where their true value is tested, just like men operating in and catering themselves to the sexual market (like nowadays). Women are the gatekeepers of sex and men are the gatekeepers of commitment. In such societies, relationship and commitment came before sex for women. This commitment was not only expected from the guy, but also from her. It went both ways, unlike now.

Religion, society and marriage:

Marriage vows are very specific about the kind of commitment that is necessary and is demanded from both genders. Religion used to advocate men to take care of their wives financially and women to take care of their husbands sexually. The job of a man was to create a home and the job of a woman was to maintain it and to make him feel like a King in his home. In the old days, and even in some societies these days, a husband expecting sex from his wife was not abuse. It was his right.

In fact, marriage was the only sanctioned course to sex. Premarital sex was punished, with most of the punishment going to the girl because she had just lost her value.4 Couples who fooled around were forced to marry because of this. If you, as a girl, fucked a loser you were destined to live with him for the rest of your life.


Feminism changed the parameter of this game1. It did not want women being held accountable for the things they were being held accountable for and worked on chipping away the responsibilities that were being demanded from society. This was done by tilting the game towards what is perceived to be women's strong suit: the sexual marketplace. And yes, by nature, women do have an innate advantage in this market. Men, as a whole, are indeed qualifying themselves to the whims of women in this market. This is how feminism made women look powerful and in demand. This is how even fuglies have developed a chance with Chads for getting pumped and dumped.


In our current sexual market, this is how women confuse their Sexual Market Value (SMV) for their Relationship Market Value (RMV) or even their Marriage Market Value (MMV)2. Since everyone is playing in sexual marketplace by engaging in sex before commitment, women who are being pumped and dumped think that they can secure a guy based on their looks alone3.

Women fundamentally do not understand the difference between SMV and MMV because they have been taught to go against conventional knowledge and hence do not have any qualities to speak of when being considered for marriage. They are not submissive, not pleasant, not kind and not sexually chaste (or virginal). All they have left to sell is sex, how good they are at it and how good they look. This is exactly what prostitutes and pornstars do. The difference between "hot" and "cute" is known by every man but has been completely transformed to fit our current sexual market. Men fuck hot girls for fun but they end up marrying the cute girls.5 This should explain why women end up as spinsters these days.

The Maturity myth:

For women to be attracted to you, they need to be aroused by you first. The higher the arousal standard is, the tougher it is going to be for her to be attracted to a normal guy. Hookup culture and online dating has done women no favors in this regard. As women age, they still live on the high of their pump and dump potential from their 20s and believe they can cash on their sexuality and sexual maturity. Absent an understanding of what it is that makes them desirable to men they believe, mistakenly, that they need to follow a life path of "maturity" to earn themselves an alpha bucks.

Attraction and arousal:

For men and women to fall in love, there are two components that needs to exist: arousal and attraction. Arousal is completely looks related. Attraction is dependent on a lot of factors, most of them relating to the character of the individuals in consideration. Feminism has made it uncool for women to ever submit to a man. Since this takes away the qualifications of women on the attraction side of things, all they are left with to offer and look for is arousal. Hookup culture and online dating, again, showcase this very clearly. The popularity of 50 shades of grey is a direct result, since according to feminism women cannot be submissive or pleasant, they seek this need for submission from sexual deviancy like BDSM.

Raising entitlement:

For decades, feminists have been able to get away with this tilting of the table because, on the surface, they seemed to be advocating for both genders. Men were led to believe that they would not have to compete too much in the sexual market. They were enticed with the promise of free love. If only women were free to do whatever and whomever they wanted to do. This happened. Women went feral and competition has gotten fierce.

Hypergamy, regulated by civilization, is a step up. Hypergamy, aided by idealogy, is a ladder. Women want to go up and up until they reach the very best and even if they do, they still look for more steps to climb because they are so used to the journey so far, that is what defines them. In a marriage oriented market, like in the old days, women had limitations enforced by society on their hypergamy. So even if she did want that rich high school Chad, she knew or gets reminded that she cannot keep him around and settles for someone who is within her league. In a sex oriented market, women get a temporary boost to obtain guys well above their league. But this only lasts until their youth does and it declines pretty fast. This sets women up for failure.

Even alphas, who have an innate advantage in the sexual market, now need to be 6 feet, need to have 6 packs and need to have accomplished something (bad boy cred or 6 figure salary) to be considered by fatties who never would have had any hope with these guys and would have known that they do not have any hope. The bar is constantly being raised on what percentage of men appeal to women (top 20 to top 10 to top 5) and what characteristics appeal to women.

All of this hinges on men not being aware of what is going on. This has worked out pretty well until now. But men are indeed catching up. We are comparing notes. As we hear more stories and see more of the same behavior from women, we are working in our own way to tip the game.

If anything, this sub (among many other sources in the manosphere) gives you an idea about what is going on, what we are working on, how we are going about it and the effect it is having on these women. Men have adopted to either abstain completely from the dating game or to abstain from giving their commitment. We don't have any say on changing the rules of the sexual marketplace. Not yet. But, we own the marriage market place and the relationship market place. If anyone wants to turn the tables around, all they need to do is to employ the same strategies as feminism. Don't be the chump who bails out a low value product. If you ain't her first, sure as shit don't be her last. Don't get into a relationship if you are not her one. Don't get into a marriage if you're not her one and only. Don't get married until the current marriage system collapses along with the parasitic divorce industry that it feeds.

1 The term feminism is used loosely here. It can be argued that feminism is nothing but the latest vehicle for propagating maximum female nature. Rollo calls it feminine imperative. Manosphere calls it gynocentrism.

2 I differentiate RMV and MMV very clearly even if a lot of men in the manosphere don't. If she is not a virgin, then she is LTR potential only. MMV is strictly for traditional marriages. As Dlarock points out in his post "An LTR is not a mini-marriage", modern relationships are anything but commitment-oriented. Anyone can walk out on anything, unlike traditional marriage where men and women will have to commit to each other for life and stick to their commitment no matter what.

3 This is also because women have been conditioned to think that submitting to a man is slavery. But, we will stick to this simplistic version for this post and delve into this in a later topic. Suffice to say, feminism is defiance to female nature. It brainwashes women into believing a lot of unnatural beliefs.

4 A woman's value comes mainly from her desirability and sex. Although women would never agree to this and would play up the strong independent woman trope every time, they know that their sexual appeal is their best weapon.

5 On the difference between cute women and hot women as defined here: Cute women are still innocent (to an extent) and would act like children with the man they love. They are generally less damaged, more kind, more feminine, sexually inexperienced (or less experienced), have a good father (or father figure) in life and have a calmness about them.

Hot girls are just sexually desirable. They will come with a host of problems because they have relied on their hotness to coast through life and have relied on their hotness to escape any consequences that they might have had to face due to their bad character.

This explanation is not to say that there is no overlap between these two categories. On the other hand, a lot of hot girls will act like what that they think cute girls should act like when they want to lock an Alpha down (especially if he is an alpha bucks). But you can clearly distinguish their behavior from that of an actual cute girl, provided you've encountered one previously. Just like there is no mistaking an actual virgin to a born again virgin, cute girls and girls pretending to be cute are unmistakable. Sure, it can be argued that finding such cute girls are rare and that they are close to being non-existent, but that is because of the upkeep that is necessary from a society and a girl's family to keep her innocent.