Men want consistency from women. That is, if she is all about marriage in her 30s, she better have a good answer for why she did not find a good man to marry earlier. Usually, there is not a good answer, as many women want to have things both ways (ride the carousel in her 20s, “settle down” in her 30s (and divorce in her 40s, the last part that often happens as many of these women don’t want marriage as much as they want a man’s money)). But with a consistent woman, she will show that she is all about marriage by not having any hypocrisy in her actions. She will instead only date for marriage, and only date men who have that same goal.

If she is not consistent with her words, she will not have ground to stand on when she is wondering why she is unable to find a good man to commit to her. Why would he? A man wants to be desired in all aspects, not simply as a utility. Not only at her convenience. There is something special about being chosen out of everyone else, but only if she is foregoing all other choices to choose him ultimately. If she has already “experienced” every other choice previously, why would her future husband be considered special? Marriage is not some magic spell that elevates that relationship over all others. The “magic” encompasses all aspects of the marriage, from the time before the marriage and the time after the wedding. So if her time before the marriage consisted of her doing everything but prepare for married life until the last minute, is it going to be a shocker if men are opting out of the idea of getting married to a woman like her? And considering how common divorce has become, is it also not a surprise that men would see this type of woman as a bad investment?

The “I have changed”/“I didn’t know who I was” excuses have all been heard before, and men are less inclined to believe them. The beauty of consistency is that these lines will never be used, as they are completely unnecessary. The unfortunate reality is that there are not enough good, consistent women to meet the demand. I get that asking for consistency is tall order given the state this generation of women, but is that really asking for too much? In theory, it is not, but in practice I am proven wrong.

It is not that I am asking for a perfect plan to be enacted by women, but rather that women who desire marriage in their future to make it a genuine priority. So if she wants to be a slut in her 20s, fine. But she should not expect to become a wife later to a good man if she carries out that path. If a woman chooses to make no room for finding a man in order to pursue an advanced degree or a career, then I really hope she likes working more than having a husband and children, because that is what she is choosing with her actions. I am sure a small percentage of women are happy to make those choices, but a lot more women are foregoing their supposed number one goal of getting married and having a family in pursuit of goals that will make them unhappy in the long run.

Perhaps the feminist propaganda of telling women they can have it all, that a career is more important that marriage and children, that they should delay getting married because it is “empowering” to LARP as a man (or what they think being a man is) is more powerful than even their natural instincts. At least, it is more powerful until they reach the epiphany phase. But by even having an epiphany phase, they are already disqualified from being a truly consistent woman. Because a truly consistent woman would either be married by then or making sure to do everything in her power to find the right man from the start.