AITA for leaving my three year old son after finding out he isn’t mine and my wife cheated on me?

3,406 points1,756 commentssubmitted by lion786u to r/AmItheAsshole

I don’t want to go into detail because I am still not divorced legally. (Separated)

Long story short I found out that my child or so I thought was not actually mine. My wife cheated on me with her ex, I found out messages. She had been cheating on me on and off through out our marriage.

Found out too my wife never loved me, she only married me because she was in her 30s and I was a responsible guy that would make a good father.

After finding out I was devastated. I have always wanted to be a family man and hearing this crushed me. I have met her ex in person before too. And finding out my son would grow up to look like him well that was too much.

I decided to break things off completely with my ex. I don’t want to raise another mans kid. And I want to be able to start a new relationship and have children of my own.

However even my parents are saying I am in the wrong, that I should not turn my back on my son. I don’t agree, it hurts but I think in 5 years I would have made the right choice.