I get so fed up of hearing this ["I don't date scrubs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrLequ6dUdM) that live with their parents and don't have a job" or "if you can't get a date it's probably because you don't work and don't have any ambition". Case in point, Jenna Marbles:






Or any one of a generation of hardline feminists who walk with her in all of this berating "nice guys" who struggle to find women as guys with virtually no attractive or decent qualities who struggle to get by in dating:



I mean it's not like we're living in a recession or anything. It's not like guys at the bottom of the employment market don't end up losing benefits the moment they get back to work and ending up worse off or anything. The fact is there's all kinds of circumstances and reasons why a man might be struggling to make ends meet. It doesn't mean he's a loser with no ambition. Well ok, if you get off on calling poor people losers, I guess that's alright. But you can't just assume a guy has no ambition because he's at a low point in his life.

If you prefer a guy with status, cars, money and fame by all means you're entitled to your standards. I just wish stupid women like Jenna Marbles would stop kicking the little man when he's down. You don't want to date that guy? Fine, that's your prerogative. Don't add insult to injury though and pretend like the reason you don't want to date him is because he's not a genuinely Good Man. Or because you say he's got nothing going for him - for all you know that stay-at-home man who lives with his parents could become a CEO in the not too distant future. Just because some guys compelled to live with his mother doesn't mean that's where he wants to be. It's just the way things out.


**Try to understand a person's circumstances can be multi-faceted and complex before you get so quick to judge.**