What does Where Are All The Good Men Mean, Part III: What's On Offer? Misrepresentation, No Reciprocation.

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In Part I we discussed what women mean when they utter The Big Question.

Part II set out the presumptions behind the Question.

Now, let's look at what women represent to men. What's on offer to men in exchange for the litany of demands women present in the profiles we look at here.

TLDR: Implied in "Where Are All The Good Men" is the assertion: "I do not have to offer a Good Man anything. I will offer sex, but only conditionally and only if I am getting everything I want first. But if he is hot enough, conditions will not be imposed."

Whether it's stated or unstated, the explicit or implicit question men always ask is:

What are you offering? What will I get in return for all the things on your list of demands?

Women who ask "Where Are All The Good Men", especially today, and especially in the material we examine here, are saying:

You have no right to demand anything in return for what I demand. But, knowing the power of sexual appeal, I am offering my body. I'm offering sex. Except, I'm really not.

I'll give sexual access, but based only on an ever growing list of conditions. I reserve the right to deprive you of sexual access at any time, for any reason. You, however, must continue to provide all the things I demand, regardless of whether I provide you anything.

And all bets are off if you're hot enough. If you're hot enough, you need not bring anything other than time and attention.

It's misrepresentation and lack of reciprocation in one fell swoop. Women misrepresent what's on offer: Sexual access. And then refuse to reciprocate for all the things they demand: Kindness, niceness, income stream, car, house, time, attention, labor, resources. You're not even entitled to ask "what's being offered". You are supposed to put everything you have on the table, and hope that the body "represented" in the pictures will be offered in return.

Women also presume the sufficiency of the offer/nonoffer/"revocable at any time" offer of sexual access. It never occurs to women that men might also want other things, like her kindness, her niceness, her availability, her time and attention, her prudence, discretion and loyalty, and her domestic skills. It never occurs to women to say things in the profile that imply "I'm nice and I'm not a bitch" and "I can be trusted to keep confidences, not waste money, and add value to your life".

There are offers of "fun". "I'm fun to be around." "I like doing fun things." But these are really just thinly veiled euphemisms for offers of sex - if you are hot enough, and if the right material goods are offered.

These aren't even attributes that imply every man is looking for marriage. They're not (and most men should not). Even in dating, a man wants to know he'll be getting sexual access at reasonable intervals, that he won't have to run a bitch gauntlet every time he deals with her, and that she won't ruin, waste or destroy anything he trusts her with. But even that's too much to ask.

And many of the women in these profiles revel in their mental illnesses and social maladjustment. Depression. Anxiety. Cluster B personality disorders. Daddy issues. Clinginess and neediness. Irresponsibility with money, jobs, and material items. And these are the things they say in their profiles.

And this is to say nothing of the single mothers and divorced mothers, who offer nothing but burden and obligation.

What's on offer? Sex. Maybe. Sometimes. And not much else. And most times, not even that. No offers even of kind or polite treatment. No offers even of responsibility. No offers even of adding any value to his life other than as a life support system for a vagina for him to masturbate into. Sometimes.