Im 24. I have a good life. I can acknowledge that. Friends. Decent income. Food and a house (living with my mother and brother who I am sick of but whatever).

But I can't help but feel lonely as fuck and sick of everything in this world. Whenever a plate breaks, I absorb a huge wave of negative energy. All my past plates/ltrs kind of hate me for deciding to move on to better prospects. New plates/girls put so much pressure on me to care about them and give them validation ALL the fucking time.

I work a lot of hours and during my free time I lift, study, read my books and meditate. But still, I feel like I'm missing out on life. I miss the days I used to be a college student not giving any fucks and walking around all day with friends and fucking around. I miss sunsets and company. I miss road trips.

I have a strong purpose and high ambitions but at the same time I keep thinking.. Is this worth it? I hate living. I'm sick of working so hard.. Sometimes I catch myself being on Instagram for long periods of time watching what others do and feel like I'm wasting my life or something..

Im in a low.. How to cope.. please advice..

Edit: Some solid advice in this thread. Appreciate every comment. I hope that others who struggle with similar issues will find some good advice here and consider it themselves. Cheers.