We’ve been together 10+ years and have a very healthy relationship. I’m pregnant and that has made him even more affectionate than usual.

I love the affection and attention he gives me. Sometimes I read stories on here or of my friends and I feel guilty for not appreciating him more, when other women wish their partners would do more or be around more.

But the thing is, I’m very introverted and need recharge time in a way that he does not. I also miss when we were dating and living apart, when I could set aside a whole evening as “girl time” and do stuff like hair masks and pore extractions and stuff - you know, kind of lounge around the house with green goo on my face and watch trash tv. Not that I couldn’t do that with him around, but I guess it’s just not the same. He’s a home body and our home is not very big, so physically it’s not often that we have a lot of space between us. We both work from home, too. I leave the house to socialize with friends, shop, or just go to a coffeeshop and read a book but he doesn’t really have things like that he does.

I need more time to myself, can anyone relate? How do I get that? I wish he’d just leave the house for a day and let me do some self care and pampering and prepare a nice meal when he gets home. I guess I just want the house to myself sometimes. (And yeah, this will probably become even more rare with children, I know...)