mid 20 yr old woman, university student. Notice that the message to young women is that pregnancy is the worst possible thing that can ever happen to you. Don't do it, have abortions. It will ruin your life.

Is this all a whole bunch of bullshit?


Thank-you all you beautiful peoples and parents. I cried a lot when reading your comments. They are really touching and have good points. Some of you really pegged it with the university campus propaganda, I feel like abortion of shoved down my throat in the liberal 3rd wave feminist male hating campus I attend. Its horrible to be a conservative and to want a family and not think that getting a career is the most important thing. Fear pedaling is super powerful though, it plants doubt and that shit is toxic. I am not pregnant right now as far as I know, I think I have found the right man, just have to wait and see. I will not be wasting my time though. I thought about traveling around and not doing the family thing, but I feel like life is just kinda egocentric for a lot of people I know who do that. They get to their 30's and realise that their whole life has just been about helping themselves. Its not black and white but it really helps to have so many of you telling me your stories and perspectives. Its scary to feel it in your body and soul to want something that is so natural yet be told that its something that you should not want. My father is turning 60 next month and he tells me that I have so much time to have a family. Yet my grandparents died when I was 10 and my father had grandparents till he was quite old. I want my parents to be grandparents, I want my children to have grandparents. I don't want to wait, I want what I want and I will do it right but its super sad to know that this is something that requires other people to want too. Its not just up to me to have a happy little family whenever I want it. I am just having faith, being honest with myself/others, planning responsibly and I hope it will all happen when/if it's suppose to.
