First off, I’m a guy so don’t write me off just yet lol.

I’m always reading things like “if a woman spends most of her time getting fucked, she shouldn’t be surprised if no man wants a relationship with her” or “if a woman has had multiple dicks in her mouth she’s stupid to think she can ever be loved” and maybe I’m just a weird fuck but I don’t understand this at all. If a woman has had a lot of sex, isn’t it solid proof that she loves to fuck? Tbh sex is by far the most important thing for me in a relationship so knowing that there’s a high chance she’ll want to fuck a shit ton AND be good at it, I just can’t imagine turning that away. Obviously STDs are a thing but if she tests clean (as well as I), I can’t imagine not committing because she had a lot of sex. One ex I still dream about to this day was a party girl who fucked her fair share. Goddamn was she an insatiable animal in bed and to THIS VERY DAY had the best pussy (and I know I was her best dick). We only broke up because I chose to move across the country for a career but I’m thinking of flying her out idk. But if I had ghosted her because of her experience I would’ve never experienced such mindblowing sex 4x day and a really great connection.

So what’s the deal?