If you're new to THE RED PILL, forgive me if I give you some spoilers- if anything, I'm saying you time- yes, in fact, it's all bullshit. Everything you've been told, is almost reliably, the opposite of the truth. One key to under standing the world is that there are no small lies, minor shifts in approximation or slight exaggerations- no, when lies are told, they are big lies- whoppers, total bullshit, the wool being pulled over your eyes- and lies are usually the polar opposite of the truth.

Take what we're told about FEMALE NATURE. We're told that women are naturally sweet, nurturing, understanding; trusting, humble, and submission- all aspects of femininity that we're told come naturally to women as FEMALE NATURE.

This, my friends and brothers, is a lie- and the polar opposite is true.

Rolling things back to humans as fancy animals. Women are dick targets and baby ovens. Men are cum machines and lion killers. Everything on top of this are theatrics for one to attract the other. Anything on top of that are exceptional people doing exceptional things- but on the red pill, we don't concern ourselves with exceptions to the rule.

The rule is that we are animals and we want to fuck...

...in order to procreate, at least that's where the urge really comes from. And, again, men want the LARGEST NUMBER of women to (theoretically) inseminate and women want to select the BEST MEN to be (again, theoretically) inseminated by...

Female nature is her quest to find the best men, with the best genetics, to have sex with. We call this hypergamy, or the female instinct to trade up, always on the hunt to find a better mate and produce higher quality children (the latter, of course, is subconscious).

What is the problem here? Allowing this to run rampant, without restriction, will not produce strong societies or coherent civilizations. In other words, you're here, reading this on a smart phone, because of the limits put on human nature (again, dominant men looking to inpregnante everything that moves and hypergamous women looking to abandon her prior husband and offspring in the face of a more dominant man)- we call these limits marriage.

Suddenly with the bond of marriage (either through the church or through the state, or both)- enforced by a strong social taboo against promiscuity and adultery- women were stuck with the man she chose at a young age, and cads (or, in modern terms, CHADS) had their dicks on a leash. If they wanted to make their marriage a happy and content one, that opportunity was available for them to take. For all the talk about having to do away with the rigid, TILL DEATH, institution of marriage, as it produced unhappy people, this was their fault more than the glue we used to hold together society.

But, as it turns out- and as we're seeing now, with aging cat ladies and divorcees loading up on anti-depressants- marriage was actually the best arrangement for long term happiness. And, in order to get both men and women to subdue their inner nature, there needed to be a little bit of brain trickery, in the form of social programming and taboos.

Femininity was a form of social programming. Convince women to be trusting in her husband, humble in the face of his confidence and masculinity (as leader and head-of-household), and submissive to his leadership. These character traits that she was programmed with, and pressured to adhere to, necessitated that she make a good, long-term choice (a man who is emotionally stable, kind, dependable, etc.). She would be punished by poor choices. On the flipside, this encouraged men to be good men in order to attract good women, and have a good marriage. Everyone was putting their best food forward, or they didn't win the game.

Of course, to the surprise of no one, when feminism became the dominant ideology, they did away with any expectations fostered on women, creating circumstances for hypergamy to run wild, and for marriage (as we knew it) to die, dead as fucking dead. And, guess what bucko, all those social expectations are still placed on men- at least superficially- and the real heart of our message on THE RED PILL is: the game ended a long time ago, so stop playing by the rules.

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