This is Part 4 in a series of posts with a condensed list of concepts, terms, and acronyms that I wished I had access to when I first found this subreddit.

Please note, this is a condensed list, and is not a replacement for doing your own research, reading, or putting in the work (practice into theory, theory into practice, looking up these concepts and terms, etc.).

I'm new here/I found MGTOW after it got quarantined.

  • "MGTOW doesn't recruit, we just watch people show up."

  • If a young man gets married, starts a family, and spends the rest of his life working at a soul-destroying job, he is held up as an example of virtue and responsibility. The other type of man, living only for himself, working only for himself, doing first one thing and then another simply because he enjoys it and because he has to keep only himself, sleeping where and when he wants, and facing woman when he meets her, on equal terms and not as one of a million slaves, is rejected by society. The free, unshackled man has no place in its midst.” ― Esther Vilar, The Manipulated Man

  • "This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes." ― Morpheus, The Matrix (1999)

    • "Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself." ― Morpheus, The Matrix (1999)
  • [r/MGTOW is the truth and it frightens society:](r/MGTOW is the truth and it frightens society.)

    "This subreddit is a hospital for the male spirit - a place to heal you and send you on your way. As such, it is a place where you will see ugly things. You will see savage illnesses here. You will see disgusting things here. And you will see painful things here. And if you go through the treatment, you too might become one of those disgusting things, those savage things, those ugly things.

    But those of us who have been around the hospital for awhile, and even some bright young interns who are studying hard, we became physicians of the male soul, and you can see the work we do in the threads. Some of our methods of healing you are, themselves, sickening, disgusting, cruel, and perhaps sad; they involve toxic substances and are unfit to do in environments outside of here. But they are necessary if we are to get you on your way, your own way, so you can live your male life in good health from here on forward." ― /u/godsknowledge

Suggested Reading

  • "I'm new here/I found MGTOW after it got quarantined, but I don't know where to start, period. The sidebar content for MGTOW/TRP is overwhelming, and since both subreddits are quarantined, the search function doesn't work. I'd rather be faced with uncomfortable truths than convenient lies, and follow Alice down the rabbit hole. Any suggestions on where to start reading wise?"

    • Briffault's Law and it's corollaries (Robert Briffault)
    • > The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. > > Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place. > > Past benefit provided by the male does not provide for continued or future association. > > Any agreement where the male provides a current benefit in return for a promise of future association is null and void as soon as the male has provided the benefit. > > A promise of future benefit has limited influence on current/future association, with the influence inversely proportionate to the length of time until the benefit will be given and directly proportionate to the degree to which the female trusts the male.
    • The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar
    • The Predatory Female by Lawrence Shannon
    • Anatomy of Female Power by Chinweizu Ibekwe

Previous posts in this series

Part 1: Briffault's Law, the plan B CVS trip at 4am, and Savagery, Whiskey, and Motorcycles, and Escaping the Matrix: Everything that lives, is designed to end

Part 2: The Ephemeral Five Faces of Eve, The Acquisitive Mode, Novelty circuit breakers and The song of the sirens

Part 3: The Hamster, The Carrot or the Stick, Actions Per Day (APD), and being cucked by every screen around you

Attribution Note: The usernames and authors of some quotes have been omitted to limit private message/username harassment. If you recognize your quote/comment/concept here and want attribution added or removed, let me know and I'll change it before this post becomes archived. It is not my intention to take personal credit for your posts/comments, but to share and iterate on an existing base of knowledge/concepts.

Formatting Note: If you see random double asterisks, misplaced slashes, or overlapping text on Reddit mobile:

Superscript/subscript styling, in-line images, and other Markdown formatting are broken on reddit mobile - this post is best viewed with a desktop browser. I've tried my best to make sure my posts are as free from grammatical/formatting mistakes as possible, but every time I try to change something, something else breaks with Reddit's Markdown implementation.

This post has the following main sections:

  1. Success: Using Time, Scheduling Time, and Consistency
  2. Selected Quotes and Commentary
  3. The Streisand effect, while Boiling the frog
  4. Red Pill Terms/Concepts/Theory

  5. Personal Theories, Acronyms, and Concepts

  6. Post nut clarity

Success: Using Time, Scheduling Time, and Consistency

There are 3 things you need to know to be successful in this world and only 3 ( /u/SmallCalendar2 ):

  1. Knowing how to use your time efficiently.
  2. Knowing how to schedule your time appropriately.
  3. Being consistent.
  • "That's it. Take those 3 principals and apply them to one thing that's artistic you like, one hobby that's physical that you like and one thing you can make money from. That's all you need. The hardest one of those 3 principals is the consistency. You probably have never been consistent with your efforts your whole life. "
    • "Let's use an example. Let's say you want to get good at guitar. You need to learn how to practice efficiently. You need to schedule your practice appropriately to make sure you give yourself enough time to practice and you need to be consistent. That's it. If you apply those 3 things to guitar you will eventually become very good at the guitar."
    • "Take that example and apply it to working out or boxing which I do. Same principal. Then take that example and apply it to your work to make money. You will eventually see results."
    • "BE CONSISTENT. That's where people usually fail or get burned out."
    • "No one tells you this but happiness is something you need to fight for everyday."
    • "I know I had depression for over a decade and was suicidal. Now I'm the happiest I have ever been because of these 3 rules I stick to. It takes time but just think about how many years you have ahead of you and once you start seeing those results you will only want more and it will naturally give you confidence and things will eventually start going your way." ― /u/SmallCalendar2

Selected Quotes and Commentary

  • “Only woman can break the vicious circle of man’s manipulation and exploitation – but she will not do it. There is absolutely no compelling reason why she should. It is useless to appeal to her feelings, for she is callous and knows no pity. And so the world will go on, sinking deeper and deeper into this morass of kitsch, barbarism, and inanity called femininity. And man, that wonderful dreamer, will never awaken from his dream.” ― Esther Vilar, The Manipulated Man

  • "In the end, a predatory female, no matter how beautiful, will always be the succubus; exciting, momentarily thrilling, mesmerizing - but as dangerous as a green mamba.” ― Lawrence Shannon, The Predatory Female

  • "I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something seriously off/wrong with this society. Everyone is ass-deep in smartphones with social media and virtual external validation, all while in the pursuit of ass and chains and the marriage/baby-trap game of emotional chicken."

    • > "What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad." ― Morpheus, The Matrix (1999)
    • "There is a sickness to be found everywhere. It's almost impossible to escape from it." ― /u/RottingHere
    • "Having the red pill knowledge, is often not sufficient. One must also possess monastic zealotry, in order to overcome the biological programming." — /u/TaiYongMedical
    • "The results of social programming have been immense. Narcissism and consumerism have become pervasive through contemporary media and the human condition, no doubt. Dopamine addiction is rife, fueling the incessant desire for validation. The end result, a society of largely selfish, mindless drones, with the exception of a few." ― /u/Trackguy100

The Streisand effect, while Boiling the frog

  • Streisand effect

    • "The Streisand effect is a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet."
    • > “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” ― Tyrion Lannister, George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones
  • Boiling the frog

    • "The boiling frog is a fable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death."
    • "The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly."

Red Pill Terms/Concepts/Theory

  • Learned betaness

    • "As a child, until middleschool, I was Alpha as fuck. I didn't care what anyone else told me. I did what I wanted when I wanted. Slowly my teachers and mother molded to become an obedient do gooder. Can a beta mindset be molded into children? In Rollo's The Rationale Male he discusses the ability to learn alphaness. It makes sense if it were to work both ways." ― /u/MoltenM
  • Sexual Crypsis

    • Reproductive crypsis as a strategy and foundational programming component that underpins AF/BB, Briffault's Law, and Hypergamy
    • Any time you mention anything related or that even touches upon sexual crypsis, you will trigger the flight or fight response, and/or the response to protect a baby/child/offspring. It's one of the reasons men will instinctively process what you're saying as a threat when you bring up topics that even go near sexuality, reproduction, gender dynamics, or mating strategies.
    • Related terminology: Hidden estrus, Concealed ovulation

Personal Theories, Acronyms, and Concepts

"Knowledge is the tool to shape and control nations. Wisdom is the ability to use that tool." ― /u/Phantom_Spark

  • The spark of the eternal forge
    • "The critical zone, the juncture, the moment of self awareness and the ability to use your iron will fueled by rage of blue pilled days past to forge a better future for yourself and for what's important to you. Future you, is still you; and future you is counting on you to make the decisions that will snowball into cumulative momentum, a force of nature that is constructive rather than destructive in nature."
  • Emotional chicken
    • The pursuit of ass-and-chains of the marriage/baby-trap game of relationships while being glued to your smartphone, while riding Briffault’s Clown Carousel of Societal Proportions.
    • Related to Screen cucking:
    • "It is not a way to live or die, spending your time being cucked by your smartphone and every screen around you."

Post nut clarity

3-part article: Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence, Dr. R. W. Bernard (Walter Siegmeister), 1957:

  • Part 1 of 3: Modern Opinions vs the Evidence and the Effects/Modern Opinions of Continence

  • Part 2 of 3: A Biochemical Theory of Neurosis and Psychosis

  • Part 3 of 3: Chemistry of Semen and the Brain & Neurasthenia

  • TL;DR - the actual science behind semen retention and the reverse (PMO addiction, i.e. NoFap/porn addiction)

    • Gary Wilson, Your brain on porn (2015) and Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction (PIED)
    • Supernormal stimuli and The Rat Park experiment (Bruce K. Alexander,1978-1981)
    • Sexual sublimation
    • "The art of redirecting sexual energy into creative energy - conceptually similar to the age old goal of the alchemic pursuit of turning lead into gold. In this case, the "lead" is your desire to rub one out and/or bust a nut; the "gold" is whatever goals you want to pursue, however small or large."
    • The mere mention of NoFap/Porn or semen retention may trigger you in the context of the secondary social effect of Sexual Crypsis - I brought up something that relates to sexuality, that you have your own set views on, both innate (nature) and learned (nurture/societal and learned).
    • You're probably going to skip over those three articles. You're not going to read them. You're not going to think critically about the material presented above - or are you? You did take the Red Pill, after all.
    • > "Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream, Neo? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world? " > ― Morpheus, The Matrix (1999)
    • If you'd rather beat your dick like it owes you money so you're not three sheets to the wind with the local barfly or town bike instead, by all means. After your balls are empty, Remember to bookmark this post AND the 3-part article above when you have some post nut clarity and a fresh cup of coffee.
    • Remember: Your ability to consume and critically think about long-form content has been sabotaged, as previously detailed in the previous post in this series. In fact, these articles are so long, they might even trigger a stress response in you that drives you toward Netflix/gaming/porn/insert consumption of your choice in excess here. Related terminology: Cognitive Dissonance.

Supplemental posts

Supplemental posts are both directly and indirectly referenced throughout the posts in this series. While they aren't necessarily required reading, if you've got some time and want to follow Alice down the rabbit hole and see how far it goes, I'd highly recommend it.