It's mind boggling how similar the men here are to the women in subs like r/femininedatingstrategy.

If I put the post side by side it's literally the same things but reversed. Men/Women complaining about the other, stereotyping the other, and overall just being overall distasteful in nature. And then typing out their experience and how trash people are just to reaffirm their stance in the comments.

MGTOW is supposed to be a sub about men going their own way, whatever it is. Simply put men who don't want to get into romantic relationships for whatever reason and focus on other aspects of their life (and their are a few of the people who post here who are indeed doing so, and have my utmost respect).

This sub, however, is just men mentioning, discussing, insulting, women every chance they get or anyone who doesn't agree with them. It varies depending on the user. They're (women) are either these dumb airheads who just sleep with every man they meet and complain about settling down when their older or women are the terminator who somehow have no emotions, are super manipulative snakes and only care about money, ect ect.

Now some users I sympathize with. They're some men on here who have been manipulated or they're relatives have been manipulated. Some of you have actually have had life altering experiences and it makes sense you may never be able to look at them the same ever again.

There is unfair treatment as well. Men are more likely to get the death sentence. Men are the ones who have to pay alimony. Men are the ones by society who have to busy their backs and get drafted for war. The list goes on.

However, the most you couldn't give two hoots about that. These are convenient facts that justify your overall self destructive behavior. You don't ACTUALLY care.

For most part it's mainly men trying to make themselves feel better by degrading others. The man who got married is a 'simp' with no self worth and therefore you're better. Or the 'Chad' who is genetically gifted is somehow this idiot who has nothing going for him than his looks, therefore you are better.

Not to mention your super hypocritical post.

'Oh, that woman is overweight! A absolute pig! Disgusting!' (Which is hilarious considering most men are overweight. Highly doubt all of you here are out here with six packs, or even have a healthy BMI)

'Women these days won't look after themselves!'

'Haha! Why do women even wear makeup? They're all fakes!'

'She is so ugly, I wouldn't give her the time of day!'

Compare that to:

'Ugh, he makes less than 50k a year! I feel poor just standing next to him'

'Men these days lack chivalry! They're all so lazy'

'Why is that guy walking around with designer shoes on and with dyed hair? Such a showoff!'

'Ew, he is so ugly'

Men (or women who lurk here) spot the difference.

'Women are all sluts! I wish I was born 30 years ago!' (Which again, I'm pretty sure most men saying this aren't virgins themselves. Bug contradiction)

'Men only care about one thing! Where did all the good men go?

'I got divorced after 5 years and now I'm stuck with alimony!'

'I got divorced after 5 years and he left me with 2 kids!'

'These thots in Instagram are always posting butt pictures!'

'These Fboys on Instagram posting topless photos! Who do they think they are?'

'Women have no capacity to love!'

'Men have no capacity to love!'

'All women are trash'

'All men are trash'

Oh, wait that's right.

There is no difference

You are both one and the same. Insulting people who have done nothing to you and then justifying it. Either that or you take one or a few people and then blanket that entire sex as one thing instead of seeing them as individuals. Literal definition of narrowed mindedness

Some of you need to evaluate your choices honestly. 'Met a girl at a club and she only wanted to hookup with me! All women are the same and more useless than dirt. I was weak but I need to remember that women are just trash:((('


I'm pretty sure one of the most liked post on here was about a guy who got DMed by a girl who rejected him in highschool and felt happy that she was overweight with 3 kids.

The fact that he actually held onto a rejection for YEARS to the point he felt joy to know that a women's life fell apart is so dumbfounding. Especially when this sub prides itself in not listening to what other people think. If I happened to meet one of my bullies at a store or something and they didn't seem to be doing well I'd probably wave. Say hi. Ask how things are. Because I think when you leave school what these othet people ended up doing really shouldn't bring you any type of pain, sadness, joy or emotion in general if you genuinely don't care.

As a whole, you guys don't practice what you preach (except for a handful of people, and you know who you are), is my point. You claim to be free and content and over the negativity, yet here you are insulting people. For a guy who claim to be happy, you sure do cry a lot

And y'know what the sad thing is? This sub honestly has good points or topics brought up. Things that SHOULD be talked about, but you don't care. It's literally the exact same thing that happened to Femininism, a good cause tainted by the people who use the movement to their own gain.

For MEN who are GEUINE about what they're doing, I would highly suggest you check out r/Mgtow2. Much more constructive and much more real. It's much smaller but negativity tends to be more popular on the internet so it makes sense. Look at what you've accomplished and out the elbow grease into making it happen!