Last night I met up with my ex-fiancee [26F, HB6] at a bar because I'm trying out /u/dr_warlock's guide to practicing TRP on your ex-gf. She lives out of town so I've only seen her a few times over the last 5 years. She texted me and asked if I wanted to meet up, so I told her to meet me at the bar at 8:00.

A little background: I was very Red Pill with her before I committed to her. She had an obsessive crush on me for a year and a half before her SMV rose to the point where I decided to bang her. When we first banged, she told me that she didn't expect that I'd be willing to commit and that it's OK if I bang other girls as long as I don't tell her. Well I did end up committing to her, but her shit tests beat me into a blue pill beta because I had one-itis, a mediocre frame, and didn't lift. Being blue pill is what killed our relationship after 4 years.

So I get to the bar, and Dr. Warlock said she'd be all dolled up, but this wasn't exactly the case. She was wearing nice clothes but had no makeup on. Pretty much the very first thing she did was apologize for not wearing any make up and started making excuses for it. Why would she care what I think about her not being dolled up? For that matter, why is she meeting up with her ex-fiance at a bar when she has a boyfriend?

Eventually the conversation got to her reminiscing about the good times. Her family is really fucked up and she tried to start giving me the updates on how fucked up they all still are. Blue Pill me would have sat there and listened to her ramble on and provide emotional support. I stopped her and I said, "I'm going to be honest. I'm not your boyfriend, so I don't want to hear about your problems. I don't give a shit." The look on her face was priceless - her mouth dropped open and a slight smile crept across it.

Now I've decided to abstain from alcohol for a couple of months for personal reasons; she wanted to know why I told her to meet me at a bar if I wasn't going to drink. I'm not her boyfriend anymore - I don't owe her the truth, so I decided to fuck with the hamster. I told her because the bar is close to where I need to be after I leave.

  • "Where are you going after this?" "Somewhere."
  • "Who are you meeting up with? Is it a girl, are you going on a date?" "Maybe."
  • "Who is she, tell me more about her!" "Don't worry about what I'm doing after this."
  • "You're lying." "No I'm not."
  • "Why won't you tell me about this date? Are you gay?" "Yeah, you figured it out. After all these years, I'm actually gay."
  • "You're going to get STD's if you sleep around, you pig." Like that stopped her from riding the CC after we broke up. Hypocrisy is the number one thing the hamster is great at ignoring. But I'm a pig for doing the exact same thing she did. I didn't go there though because arguing with the hamster is a waste of time. Also, triggering her ASD is the last thing I want to do.
  • "Remember the last text message you sent me the other day that I didn't respond to?" "No." "Well I didn't answer it on purpose because you're a dick and your message was mean!"
  • "Can't you say anything nice to me?" "I like your shirt."
  • "I'm wearing high heels, I will shove the spikes up your ass if you don't tell me. You'd like that wouldn't you, because you're gay!" Then I just started laughing in her face and changed the subject. She kept trying to bring it back up though.

The truth is that I was in fact going somewhere "close" to the bar afterwards - home, to go to bed. I didn't lie at all, I just didn't tell her what I was doing. I let the hamster do all the work, and it conjured up this crazy elaborate idea in her head, and it became reality to her. The mystery and pre-selection drove her crazy and gave her tingles, so she immediately started shit testing me rapid-fire, even though she has a BOYFRIEND and she's meeting up with her EX at a bar. She even started (jokingly) threatening violence against me and calling me names! The reason I know I was giving her tingles is because of how worked up she was getting over this. Women who don't have tingles for you don't give a shit.

By the time it was time to go, she was telling me to fuck off and calling me an asshole, etc. I didn't offer her a ride and she made a comment about me being a dick for not offering her a ride home. I started thinking to myself, "She can walk home because she's a STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMYN GRRRR." Then she said, verbatim: "It's OK, I can walk home in the cold because I'm a strong, independent womyn." I couldn't believe it! I started laughing in her face again and said YEAH RIGHT. Feminism = shit test, so treat it as such. I was not going to give her a ride home until she explicitly asked me for it, because I wanted to pull her into my frame as much as possible.

It was like she hit me with every single cliche shit test you can think of from reading TRP; that made destroying them a piece of cake. I was also displaying amused mastery and held frame the entire time.

When we got in the car, she started comfort testing me and was begging to hang out again a few more times this week before she leaves to go back home to her boyfriend. I was making her laugh, and she gave me a super long hug before getting out of the car. I know she's capable of cheating but I don't think it's going to happen because we have nowhere safe to bang that won't trigger her Anti-Slut Defense. It's good practice though, I got way more intense results out of her than I ever expected to from following Dr. Warlock's guide. The whole point of the first date is to build sexual tension and making her want more by ending on a high note. I think I acheived that.