Intro to Emotions

TLDR 1; an introduction to emotions to give you a better understanding of yourself, others, with the focus being on attraction.

TL;DR 2; An introduction to 60 years of challenge a very RP style pickup guide, focusing on emotions to enable better control over yourself and to fuck women.

Reading Time : 13 Minutes.


Right now the reasons you’re browsing TRP this minute, this second can be boiled down to a possible few emotions; Boredom, Interest, curiosity, anger. Through experiencing these emotions you enact to distance yourself from your current state or enjoy the experience; this is the premise of emotions.

Emotions have never been discussed in enough detail and I find awareness of how and why they exist to be extremely fascinating and useful for motivating and predicting behavior. “Control your emotions” is uttered on a whim, “Women are emotional” is a textbook response to someone's predicament.


Do you really know what it means in context ? How emotion is processed ? And importantly how to use emotional knowledge ? Chances are it’s never been defined for you and i’m here to do just that.

I aim to introduce some concepts that should give you a greater understanding of emotions that can be used to explain your own internal feelings and those of others. What you will get from this is better control over your own emotions and improved influencing skills.

I will also plug an extremely emotion driven pick up guide at the end. This post will be long, this post will be worth it.

So briefly, what are emotions ?*

Emotions are an instinctive feeling a person is experiencing relative to their current circumstances.

From an Evo- psych point of view emotions have evolved to allow us to survive and reproduce more effectively. The likes of fear ignites adrenaline useful for fight or flight, disgust prevents someone from potentially eating something poisonous; and jealousy reducing the risk of cuckoldry and the raising foreign genetic offspring .

It’s easy to see why emotions are theorised to be an evolutionary advantage.

What do they do ?

A pattern emerges when observing emotional states. You eat because you feel hungry, you fight, shout and stomp because you feel angry, you cry because you feel sad and importantly you fuck because you feel horny.

Emotions evoke action. Often an autonomous function, we still have the ability to interpret the stimulus before the emotion and action is evoked.Thus the ability to control the action.

An autonomous emotion would be such as the ingrained fear of snakes and spiders we each have, enhancing our ability to detect them (threats) in our environment faster and thus reacting quicker. If you’ve seen the hilarious videos of cats scared by cucumbers, this is precisely what I’m on about.

What happens to the cats is an external stimulus triggers the fight/flight response, it's ingrained in their biology as a response to a potential threat of snakes. The action happens autonomous to keep the cats alive.If the cat stopped to think “is that a cucumber” before acting, then the one time it's a threat would be fatal.

You can try this one out yourself.

With Christmas coming up and many of you returning home to your family's. Watch how you react when your mother shouts your name for whatever reason ( it's bound to happen). From being in trouble as a child you instinctively feel fear when hearing your name being shouted, in that pitch, in that tone.

Your heart will accelerate to pump blood containing nutrients and oxygen faster to your tissues and muscles. Your breathing will increase to flood your body with more oxygen whilst disposing of carbon dioxide. Adrenaline will be released, ready for action. Your palms will be sweatier and your grip stronger, you will interpret this as fear........ but she's just an old fragile lady. That is the power of an emotional response.

So with emotions evoking some sort of physiological action, then crafting and leading emotions would force others to act in a manner that works in our favour ?

Well Yes !

Jordan Belfort, ever heard of him ? Jordan, also known as The Wolf of Wall Street owes his successes to creating trust, comfort, perception of authority and importantly credibility all through the tonality of his voice and presentation.

He crafted and perfected his image and those of his colleagues to effectively sell shit. His customers didn't buy on logic, they bought on emotion because they trusted the guy, seen him as an authority figure and as someone who cared about them and their vision. When people say “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it”, or “Communication is 10% words and the rest is body language and tonality”. They’re right.

People want emotions not words- Understand them, understand motives and sub communication.

  • Ever noticed when you want to share something funny with a friend and they respond with“Oh yeah I watched that yesterday”, that you feel flattened ? You wanted to share a positive experience and a positive emotion with your friend, only to feel silly and rejected.The words meant nothing, it was all about the shared experience that your friend denied.

  • Want people to like you ? Craft the outcomes so that they’re always left with positive feelings and never......... ever shake their world view.

  • When people make a joke they are seeking an emotional response of laughter. It's validation that they're funny and makes them feel happy for making others happy, it was never about the spoken words..

  • In Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win friends and influence people” he states that there is always a loser in an argument. You may have argued your point to the death and proven your opponent idiotic, however they will latch that negative feeling to yourself. This is not always wanted.

  • People just want to feel right in their arguments, they don't actually care about the words being uttered.

  • In Robert Kioyosaki’s book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” he suggests that people are motivated to make money by two emotions. The first being Fear with it’s origins from liabilities and life's necessities. The latter being Greed, wanting to flaunt your wealth. Sure there will be people who work to feel instinctively good, but take away the money which buys them comfort and do they continue ?

    -It’s food for thought for why you currently work.

  • When someone complains about their life they're looking for understanding and sympathy. More often than not they're not actually looking for a solution to their problem, infact offering them a solution from a low rank would make them feel insulted .The person eager to fix their problem wants to feel good, useful and powerful, it wasn’t about concern for the person it was about their ego.

When people feel anxious, they seek relief in the form of comfort in the easiest manner. They don't always choose the best outcomes, just the fastest.

And one closer to home. Women will look cute and cry to emotionally manipulate you. Whether it's a conscious choice or not, I do not know. It works because they tap into an evolutionary adaptation designed to keep babies safe. If you hear a baby wailing , you come running. A baby's cuteness maintains your attention, which is vital to keeping the baby alive and safe. It just so happens it works extremely well when women use it too, see whiteknights running (2)

Your Mood/Emotions are infectious to other people.

Imagine a scenario where your Boss Is angry. He's shouting at people and being extremely short; how would that make you feel ? Would you be unmoved or would you feel anxious and at a lower state ? If so how would your conversations be with those around you ? Would you be a bit off and short with them? how would they feel? Emotions are infectious. What I feel you feel, to a degree.

Thus avoid the miserable and unfortunate.

So if emotions are infectious then be picky with who you spend your time with. If someone is constantly of low moods, it's sure to bring your mood down also. You're wasting and exerting energy trying to bring their mood up or make the conversation bearable . On top of that they're using your working memory which has a limited space. They sap at your motivation and hinder your positive outlook on life. Avoid them at all costs.

You're infectious emotions are caused by a thing called “mirror neurons”.

Mirror Neurons allow you to feel what others are feeling. It's one of the key components in empathy allowing you to view other people's emotions or how they view the world. Contagious yawning is a sign of mirror neurons in action ( it’s also a display of submission when there’s something you view as dangerous). A second common display is drinking, watch as your friends will slowly pick up their drink after you raise yours, this demonstrates high rapport.

Mirror Neurons allow you to understand that the person you’re speaking too is feeling sad, That the girl you’re sitting next too is feeling awkward. That your child is feeling discomfort and seeks an escape prompting you to empathise and act through emotion to change their situation.

Moving onto the final part I'd like to summarise what's been said already. Emotions evoke action, therefore unemotional language (texting, monotone, words) have a harder time to motivate people to action or create a connection. If emotional states are infectious then you should be picky with who you surround yourself with and be aware that your emotional state are infectious. Therefore if you're horny, she's horny which leads to action. This is what this next section is about.

Introducing “60 years of challenge” arguably a lost ‘scripture’ to TRP. I've quoted some of my favorite parts but it doesn't hold weight to the full guide. Ultimately it can be boiled down to taking care of your own emotional states and creating the right ones in her. It's a very sales based guide and this guy warrants his own post, it felt natural to introduce this at the end of my introduction to emotions.

To get you thinking in the right mindset for this guide, think have you ever been in a situation where you or a friend has let their standards slip ? This often happens with men when are drunk (lower emotional thresholds), a hippo gives them the “let me get your dick wet eyes” or just grabs the package.

The guy gets insta horny and falls back on the old saying “there's no arguing with your dick”, which can be translated to “my dick has its own mind”. You were successfully seduced through emotional states and acted.

60 on escalation/pick up

"The guy she likes best and the guy she ends up having sex with can be two totally different people.”

“The arousal point of no return is the exact moment a woman becomes so turned on that it’s too late for her to resist you anymore. Her logical mind goes right out the window. This is also known as getting over the resistance hump.”

“You are SAD because you think sluttiness diminishes female purity which is your one hope to feel loved. And you feel GUILTY because you really, really enjoyed it”

“These attraction responses are automatic and exist naturally. In other words, there is not much to do. The sexual tension is already there. All guys really need to do to create attraction is three things

  • use seductive eye contact

  • get close

  • touch her”

One reason overly aggressive guys get blown out is because they come across too needy. They aren’t a challenge. A good way to be very aggressive but still remain a challenge is to blame your escalation on her. “stop being so sexy it’s not going to work on me” show her or put her hand on your hard cock. Blame it on her, “it’s your fault” tell her you can’t be near her because it’s not safe for her Blaming your arousal and aggressiveness on HER is a positive source of tension and challenge

60 on oneitis management

“Realize no woman is perfect and no particular woman is the one. It’s not the woman it’s the feminine energy. There are thousands of women that I could have a great relationship with. I understand my body is being flooded with chemicals and trying to make me bond with this woman for a few years and have a child with her. I can enjoy the chemical rush, but I still get out and keep meeting new women. During this period of imbalance in my body’s chemistry I make sure to keep extra busy on my projects and hobbies. I’m no stranger to this feeling. It’s an old friend.”

60 on keeping a bitch happy

“Whether you want to settle down with one woman or not, you still need to be able to show her you can seduce other women. Preferably fast, as in one night. If she doesn’t believe you can get another woman of equal value you don’t stand a chance. There is no getting around learning this stuff”

“Don’t stop the tension. I understand that by entering into a relationship with you I have signed up to be a challenge every day. I promise to remember to give you the tension you deserve in order to keep your sexual attraction for me high. I realize all of the challenge and tension I created yesterday no longer counts. Today is a new day and I am seducing you again for the first time.

I will avoid becoming complacent. I understand that attraction is a feeling you get, it’s not a choice. I will NEVER take this mysterious feeling for granted by forgetting to do the little things. The .001%. I could probably get away with some of this stuff for a short period of time but I choose not to. I don’t want to be blindsided one day and have you say you don’t feel any attraction for me. I know I won’t be getting a warning.”

“I earned the right to subcommunicate this by walking away from other quality women who didn’t meet my standards. I have taken my medicine before. I am no stranger to the pain period and being lonely. At first it was tough, but I can do it easily now.

Instead of turning the girl who crushed my heart and ruined my life into a fuck buddy so I could get a few more average BJ’s. I nexted her and got on with the long process of actually getting good with new women. This did wonders for my self-esteem, self- respect and helped me see women through a lens of abundance vs. scarcity. When my current girlfriend looks in my eyes she knows I am not bluffing about walking away. I don’t have to verbalize it, threaten her with leaving or give ultimatums. She knows if she fucks up and she does something unforgivable she’s out. She knows I want her, but I don’t need her or anybody else.”

60 on hypergamy

“If you are dating, engaged or married. Attraction doesn’t care what you call your relationship. Attraction could care less about commitments to be faithful, rings, ceremonies and how much time you have “in” with your woman. Attraction doesn’t take the kids into consideration and it could give a fuck less that you have a joint bank account. Attraction doesn’t care you get along great with her family or that you have a 30-year adjustable mortgage. And like a total dick, attraction doesn’t care that I did everything right for the last two years. It wants to know what have I done lately? Unfortunately, attraction doesn’t accept excuses. But I was sick for a month. Too bad. Sexual attraction is a selfish, mysterious feeling and taking it for granted for even one day is a bad idea. I respect attraction because when it’s gone, it’s ain’t coming back.”

“Women Do Not Really Love Us Women do not really love us. This is the harsh truth. At least not in the way we all hope to be loved. Unconditionally. The only way to get consistent, reliable and pure female affection is to follow the agenda. Women aren’t giving their affection away for free. You don’t get her compassion, hugs and feminine spirit just because you are a cool guy. There is a price to pay. And if you won’t play ball there are many other guys who gladly will. And it is only one of those guys who will get her affection.”

“Keeping up the sexual attraction and tension is your job alone. It’s up to you. You can’t leave it up to her. Even if in a moment of honesty she did agree that a sexual connection is indeed very fragile and needs constant upkeep, she is never going to agree to things like spending less time together to make that happen. In other words, a woman’s agenda is in direct conflict with the ingredients for having a long lasting sexual connection. And she knows it. As such, she doesn’t really care if the attraction gets reduced. It’s just the cost of doing business. That won’t stop her from blaming the loss of sexual attraction on you though.”

60 on why guys get married

“The ultimate way to defend purity is by getting married. Even though you still want to have sex with new women. Men end up trading their freedom for her purity. Why do men need purity to feel loved? Why is it so important? Because most men can’t accept female affection (i.e. snuggling) from a woman who is fucking another guy. It repulses them. This is rooted in our biology and the M/w complex.

Marriage guarantees a man years of consistent, reliable and pure form of the drug he really wants, female affection. Guys don’t get married for the sex; they get married for the affection.

The marriage trade off. Men get purity. Women get commitment. At first both parties are happy with the arrangement.” (3)

He's got 4 guides, they all came out around 2008. He's definitely worth the read and I’ve added a link to the bottom where you can find his material.

Lessons Learned

Things happen because of emotions

-Let me know if you need me to expand on any points, I have a habit of not developing them further.

Bibliography - Yeah it's shit, but i thought I'd reference a bit

1) The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals



Edit to clarify why people say "control your emotions". It's due to the proceeding actions that occur after the emotion has been struck, you act differently, you say things in "the heat of the moment" and you allow emotion to engulf your logical decision making.

"Women are emotional", Simply means that women are more susceptible and influenced by emotions, they seek emotion not logic. Speak in squeals of emotional tonality and change their emotional states as quick as the weather.