TLDR: Blue Pill thinking made me subconsciously misogynistic, digesting the Red Pill and understanding AWALT made me love women again

One of the biggest lies I was sold by feminism growing up was that women are equal to men and the average woman thinks like the average man. This problem was compounded by the fact that my primary female role model - my mother - is a very logical and rational woman most of the time.

Once I got into my first LTR I eventually realized that years of expecting her to think and act like a man were fruitless, and only leading to endless arguments. I got to the point where I was blaming her for her actions and mentality on "being a woman", which is misogynistic in the truest sense of the word.

I find it ironic that our feminist and Blue Pill critics call Red Pillers misogynists, because misogyny was the only way that I was able to rationalize how all women act (AWALT) in my Blue Pill mind. Once I swallowed the Red Pill and got through the anger phase, I now understand that that is just AWALT. I don't blame women for AWALT anymore, nor do I think they are inferior because he nature of women is absolutely essential to the survival of our species. I accept that that's how they are and love them for it because none of us would be here otherwise.

Digesting the Red Pill was like putting on a pair of glasses and having 20/20 vision after being blind your whole life.

Lessons Learned: AWALT