I always thought of her as pure arm candy, to the extent that I thought of her at all. But just listen to what she has to say, as the wife of probably the most red pill man on the planet. The gal can sniff a loaded question and shut it down like nobody's business:

"Well, Melania, everyone knows your husband hates immigrants. Isn't it hypocritical that he married you?"

"I never thought to stay here without papers. I had a visa, I traveled every few months back to the country to Slovenia to stamp the visa. I came back, I applied for the green card, I applied for the citizenship later on after many years of green card. So I went by system, I went by the law. And you should do that, you should not just say let me stay here and whatever happens, happens.”

"Yeah, but you have to admit, it's pretty obvious that he hates Mexicans."

“He said illegal immigrants. He didn’t talk about everybody. He talked about illegal immigrants. And after a few weeks, like two weeks giving him a hard time and bashing him in the media, they turned around. They said, ‘You know what, he’s right. He’s right what he’s talking about.’ And he opened conversation that nobody did.”

"But he clearly hates women, right? You saw what he did to poor innocent Megyn Kelly."

“They’re treated equal. I see him in life, he treats women the same as men. He will tell you what is in his heart, what he thinks. He will not hold it back if you’re a woman, you’re human. If you’re a woman or a man, it’s no different, you’re human."

Just imagine an American woman talking this way. I think I want her to be First Lady even more than I want him to be President.