Short version : Redeem your life.


A bit longer :



The pill is bitter not because of the taste of truth but because of the perspective that we lost so many years living a lie.


Another perspective.

"You can only connect the dots looking backwards". I heard Steve Jobs saying that and I think it's the key to actually change your life for the better. You have to trust the process with much a valuable human lie is made. Your past experience, no matter how negative is your outlook on them can be redeemed into a brighter future.


How ?

Live true to your purpose, your truest desire. That desire cannot be "women" for such a desire can never be fully satisfied. Your purpose is the red lining that ties together all your experiences. That same common direction on which you can lay the point of everything in your life. Once realised, your purpose is something that you live throughout your days. It's in your job, your reading, your writing, your discussions. And from it, you'll draw all of your inner strength, including what /u/Rollo-Tomassi calls the mental point of origin.


Happy new year.