WARNING: MASSIVE WALL OF TEXT. There's a tl;dr at the end.

This is the final part of John's fiance problem (hopefully). You can read the previous two posts related to this story here.

Part 1: http://archive.is/f6rqY "Met an old friend from high school, he's now a slave to pussy."

Part 2: http://archive.is/1ot0z "Met an old friend (Part 2) - Gave him a small dose of TRP"

Quick summary of what happened so far: Met John, who is an old friend from high school, at New Year's party, he introduced me to his fiance, Jane. I got mad when she said John couldn't have a bachelor party at a strip club because of her religious morals while she had no problem having premarital sex with guys before dating John. I went too far trying to expose her hyprocrisy to John and she got mad and left the party with him. Took TRP's advice and took John to a bar, advised him to reconsider his marriage, took him to a strip club for fun, got him drunk, dropped him off at home and pissed off his fiance on purpose by telling her I took him to a strip club and he enjoyed it.

It took a while to write up this post because the whole situation was complicated and required careful planning. I made it a very detailed post so that if anyone else has a similar problem, they can read what John and I for inspiration.

So John spent the day (Jan 3) pretending to be hungover and sick after our night of fun at the strip club. He took some time to think about his relationship while Jane was at work. The next day (Jan 4), he called me and told me that he spoke his parents about ending the engagement and his mom was furious that she wasn't going to have grandkids soon (typical bitchy Asian mom bullshit) but his dad agreed with John that it's better to end the unhappy relationship. John asked me for help on how to break off the engagement and get rid of his fiance. The scary part of the situation was that Jane and John both work in the same office so she could ruin his career by spreading vile and false rumors about him if he ends the relationship. We needed an insurance plan against her in order to get rid of her cleanly. I told John to go get 2 wireless cameras, 2 SD cards for the wireless cameras, a copy of his lease for his apartment, a copy of the receipt for the engagement ring, and a bunch of crates and cardboard boxes to pack up Jane's stuff. I told him to hide all of these things inside his car till Jane leaves for work the next day. I started working on a script and prepped him for his confrontation with Jane on how to reply to all her responses and criticism that she may throw at him.


John kept calling in sick to use up his sick days and yesterday (Jan 5) he waited for Jane to leave for work and then took everything out of his car and brought them up to his apartment. He set up one camera behind where he'd be standing and talking to Jane in the living room and another camera further away with a full view of the living room. I helped him setup the stream so I could monitor the situation and record it from my apartment. We needed video proof in case if Jane did something horrible and tried to blame it on John. I prepped him the whole day on how to act, speak, and respond to Jane when he ends the relationship with her while he packed all of her things into cardboard boxes and crates and placed them in the living room. I also instructed John to keep the phone on speaker so that I can hear the conversation between him and Jane in real time since the stream will be delayed and I'll interfere only if he needs help. We weren't taking any chances with Jane. After John felt ready, the stage was set and curtains lifted after 5:30 PM when Jane finally came home from work.


I heard Jane speaking through my phone even though I didn't see her enter John's apartment on stream because of the obvious stream delay. Jane started by asking why all her stuff was packed up and what's really going on. John told her that in light of her recent behavior, he's breaking off the engagement and ending the relationship. She has become increasingly bitchy and controlling unlike the way she was in the beginning of the relationship. Jane said that she's just under a lot of stress now that she's engaged and she had to worry preparing for the wedding on her own because she had no help from John and it's John's fault for not speaking up earlier that he's unhappy with her (the classic blame the man for his lack of communication tactic). John denied it and told her that he was never even given the chance to help her with the wedding details and in fact, Jane wanted full control over the wedding including who to invite, what songs to play, the decorations, etc. She didn't even send invitations to most of the people that John wanted at the wedding as he found on Jan 3rd when he made some calls. He also stated that Jane was rude in public and cut off John while he was speaking to others on numerous occasions and embarrassed him even at work. Recently, she tried to control every conversation that they had together and kept disregarding John when he made valid arguments. Jane denied all of this and said everything she did was for the good of the relationship and sometimes she had to stop him from saying stupid things.


Jane said that she's the only one who will love and support John for the rest of his life. She reminded him that all of his previous attempts at having a proper relationship failed and if he ends the relationship with her, then he's doomed to be miserable for a long time and he will regret it. He's throwing away the one good thing in his life just because he feels that he's being treated somewhat unfairly even though she never meant to do it on purpose. She tried to walk towards John to touch and influence him but he told her to keep her distance and that he's ending the relationship and doesn't want any more contact with her. He countered by stating he has not felt her "love and support" for months and asked her when was the last time she did something that they both enjoyed equally besides when they first started dating. When was the last time she did something selfless for John like give him a massage, cook him his favorite food, give him a free blowjob with no strings attached, etc. He did plenty of selfless things for Jane throughout the relationship and made an effort to show her how much he appreciated her. Jane told him that she was waiting to get married to do all that stuff for him. He asked her if she was waiting to get married to him before trying to improve their sex life together too because she had no problem bitching at him when he's bad in bed. John is very inexperienced compared to her and yet she did nothing substantial to build a healthy sexual relationship, which is what loving couples do together. Jane scoffed and became noticeably irritated and said he was being childish and mature men don't complain about not getting free sexual favors in a relationship. John tried to argue that he wasn't immature, he was pointing out that she's not contributing to building a healthy relationship but he gave up because she either didn't understand or refused to acknowledge it even if she understood.


John went onto the next issue as we rehearsed and demanded that Jane return the engagement ring to him. Now Jane was angry and shocked and refused to give back the ring. She stated that it was a gift from John and it's not her fault that the engagement was being ended therefore she's not obligated to give back the ring. John told her that he bought the ring and the ring was a conditional gift and since the relationship is ending, he can initiate an action to recover personal property and she'll eventually have to give it back to him or he takes her to court and she'll have to pay the full price of the ring if she damages it, sells it, or loses it somehow. He showed her that he still had a copy of the receipt for the ring. He asked her if keeping the engagement ring was worth hiring a lawyer and of course, she caved and walked towards John to give him the ring. John told her to keep her distance again and to place the ring on the coffee table between them.


Jane was furious at this point. She yelled at John that he simply couldn't take back everything from her, destroy the relationship that they built together for the past 11 months, and just kick her out. She threatened to call the police and pulled out her phone but John told her that he has every right to do so. He showed her a copy of the apartment lease and it stated that he was the sole tenant of the apartment therefore he can kick her out and throw out all her personal belongings now that he's ending the relationship and the police can't do anything about it.


The following conversation is the high point of the entire situation and it shows just how fucked up Jane is.


Jane: "What happened to you in the last few days? You went from being my sweet and loving fiance to this cruel person I never met before. It's your friend, isn't it? He's making you do all this to hurt our relationship. Why can't you see that?"


I couldn't help but smile when I heard this over the phone. MFW



John: "He's not making me do anything. Ever since that night on New Year's Eve, he opened my eyes to the huge mistake that I was about to make. I finally understood that I deserve to be treated better. I didn't work my ass off in the toughest schools in America and land a good paying job just to marry a manipulative bitch like you so you can control me, spend all my money, and then divorce me if I complain or you get bored of me. What did you do for me when I was sick for the last few days (She didn't need to know he was just pretending to be sick)? That's right, you bitched at me that I deserve to get sick after having fun at a strip club that my friend completely paid for and never asked for anything in return. You said that I probably got some infection from touching that 'dirty stripper'. You called me irresponsible for calling in sick. You didn't do a single thing to try and make me feel better. Fuck off, I don't want to deal with a few more years of this shit before we get divorced."


Jane: "Fine! I'll just tell everyone at work that you cheated on me that dirty stripper then! That's why we broke off our engagement and everyone will know what a disgusting person you are. Only the worst kind of guys enjoy strip clubs and I realize that you're now one of them just like your stupid friend."


John: "So, going to a strip club for a makeshift bachelor party that my friend paid for and getting lapdances from a stripper counts as cheating on you? See? This is the kind of bullshit that I'm not gonna tolerate anymore. You see that small camera behind me on the shelf there? It's been recording everything since you walked into this room. I finally have your crazy logic on record."


Jane: "Wait, what? You're bluffing. You don't even have your laptop nearby." (I guess the stupid bitch never heard of wireless cameras.)


John: "Nope. It's a wireless camera and it's recording everything you say."


Jane: "You can't do that. It's illegal to record me without my permission. I'm gonna sue for this!"


John: "This is a 'one-party consent' state. I'm part of this conversation that I'm recording so it is not illegal to record both audio and video. You can sue me but I'm perfectly sure you're just gonna waste your money."


Jane fell down to her knees and started crying. She instantly switched gears and apologized repeatedly (I couldn't write her exact words for this part of the conversation because she was actually crying and her words were kinda mumbled). She said she's sorry for all the things she said and she didn't mean any of it. She was just so upset and heartbroken that she wasn't thinking straight because John was suddenly ending the relationship . She says that she's a very loving and caring woman but she became so focused on the idea of getting married that she ignored John's needs and treated him unfairly without realizing it. She promised to treat him better, love him more selflessly, and give him blowjobs whenever he wanted them (LMAO she actually said it). She suggested that they postpone the wedding and work on the relationship by going to couples counseling. She'll do anything and everything to stay with John and she'll never complain again if he wants to do something even if she doesn't agree with it. This was John's final test to see what kind of man he truly is. I taught him that a woman's strongest weapons are her tears and she will use them against him if she's cornered.


John: "No. I'm done with you. You mistreated me thinking you could get away with it. You knew exactly what you were doing. I can't trust you that you'll treat me fairly. I can't even imagine living another minute with you now that I know what a twisted bitch you are. Frankly, I was embarrassed till yesterday that I considered spending the rest of my life with you. From now on, we only talk at work for work related issues and if you say anything about our relationship or about me to our coworkers, I will show the boss and the human resources department this video and I will file a complaint against you for slander. I will take you to court if that's not enough. Now, take your shit and get the fuck out of my apartment!"


They both stayed silent for a few minutes while John just watched Jane carefully. She stopped crying, moved out her stuff into the hallway, and left without saying a word. Over the phone, I said "And the Emmy for best actor in a drama goes to...John! Congrats dude!" I got a laugh out of him and asked him how he felt. He was exhausted, sad that his relationship didn't work out but at the same time, he was happy that he didn't make the mistake of marrying Jane. I asked him if he ever saw The Hangover, he said he didn't. I finished recording the stream and the audio from the phone as a backup and put them on a USB drive so I could give it to John for safekeeping. The SD cards inside the wireless cameras also recorded the entire incident and served as extra copies. I went over to his place with some steaks and beer and we watched The Hangover (Mengs87 suggested it in the previous post). Afterwards, I told him that it's fine if he has to wait another year or two before finding a woman that will treat him with love and respect. It's better than being married to a bitch for several years and then getting divorce raped and having to deal with custody of the kids, courts, alimony, etc. and then trying to find a better woman. The most important thing is that he has to learn to not let himself be treated poorly first. I told him to read The Rational Male and No More Mr. Nice Guy to better himself. What a crazy start to this new year.


Sidenote: For those who are wondering why I put this much effort into helping John even though I haven't seen him or talked to him since the end of high school. It's because we were really good friends for 4 years and we both had abusive Asian parents with unrealistic expectations and we studied together to get good grades to please them. Our parents taught us that maintaining friendships isn't important compared to perfect grades and a successful career. We both ignored each other after we chose different career paths and went to different colleges but after meeting him again at the New Year's party that our old mutual friend threw, I felt pretty angry that he was being treated unfairly and I let that anger get to me when I tried to expose Jane's hypocrisy at the party. I felt the need to keep him from making a huge mistake otherwise I'd regret not doing anything about it. We are very similiar people but John just needed some guidance.


tl;dr: John needed help ending his relationship with Jane. Told him to pack up her stuff and buy wireless cameras to record the conversation and prepped him on how to handle Jane's responses. John confronted Jane and told her she was a bitch and got the engagement ring back. She threatened to call the cops for kicking her out so suddenly but lease was in his name so he had every right to do so. She then threatened to spread lies about John at work by saying he cheating on her with a stripper. He told her he was recording everything and it was legal in his state because 'one party consent'. She cried, apologized, said she'd change for him. He told her he doesn't believe her and told her to GTFO. She left. Bros before hoes.


Edit: I'm glad you guys are enjoying the post and I hope you guys found it helpful in some way too. I'm thankful to have found TRP otherwise I don't think I could have helped John properly. You guys are the real heroes here.

Edit 2: :O Reddit gold!