Set of comments gleaned from WhereAreAllTheGoodMen .

Disclamer : " WhereAreAllTheGoodMen

About: We're just a bunch of clueless NiceGuys™ with kindness coins that don't seem to work in women's holes, so that the sex we're entitled to falls out. Because apparently we weren't demonstrating good relationship materialthrough the respect and courtesy that women demand. We were only "pretending" to be nice just to get laid.    In response to r/niceguys, this sub is dedicated to exposing all the women who complain about wanting a "good man" after dating jerks and riding the cock carousel in the prime of their youth, and think they're deserving of commitment and financial stability when all they have left to offer is their depreciating looks, narcissistic mentality, and used-up vaginas.    Women in their 20s have numerousopportunities to date the decent men they claim to want, but they consistently reject or friendzone these men for jerks and promiscuity until they're past their prime. She takes advantage of the nice guy's kindness for attention and favors, then accuses him of thinking he was entitled to sex just for being nice.    But when she's in her 30s with depreciating looks, jerks who won't commit, the likelihood of being a single mom, and the social pressure from her married friends, she asks "Where have all the good men gone?"[1][2] Funny how back when she was chasing the bad boys he was a "pathetic NiceGuy™" unworthy of dating, but now that she's past her prime and needs a bailout he's a "real man" who treats her with respect.    Furthermore, dating jerks and riding the carousel before settling down with a good man is deliberately planned by women,[1][2][3] and encouraged by feminists. Such women are totally unaware that the mature, financially stable men they now seek are the same decent men they rejected in their prime, except these men remember the rejection and are responding in kind to avoid unstable, unappreciative women who view them more as ATMs than romantic partners.    The reason women end up here is because their behavior is not exposed as the lucid, self-destructive, feminist ideology that it is. And we're here to help Good Men guard their commitment and resources by exposing women who would make poor life partners and mothers of their children. Providing observations and opinions on the posts here allows us to better understand women's psyche and later depressive/miserable state when they are not held to a moral standard required for healthy, functioning relationships." ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------The Epiphany Phase is that period when a woman hitting the Wall has to reassess the last decade of her life and determine why she's still single even though she's "smart", "attractive", "successful". She's much more conscious and serious about long-term commitment for 3 reasons:

  • She can't compete with younger women entering the dating market.
  • The social pressure of her friends getting married and starting families while she's still single.
  • She needs validation that she's worth more than sex to men on the carousel.

The main indicator that a woman is in her Epiphany Phase is when she's in her late 20s/early 30s and complains about wanting to "settle down and start a family". This is usually accompanied with complaining about how she's almost 30, how she "can't find a decent guy", and how all her girlfriends are getting married while she's still single. Women often bring up "school" and "career" as being reasons for delaying marriage, but usually they were hooking up during that time.The biggest misconception of Alpha Fucks/Beta BucksAnother important element is that women in the Epiphany Phase are simultaneously Chasing Chad's commitment. Women don't immediately look for a beta male when they're hitting the Wall. The biggest misconception of Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks is the missing element of Alpha Bucks in between. She emphasizes wanting to "settle down and start a family", but still prioritizes good looks and butterflies over emotional/financial stability. She's tired of the shallowness of promiscuity and now wants something "serious" and "meaningful" with the same men she chose on the carousel.Both Alpha Fucks and Beta Bucks can be found in abundance. Epiphany Phase women are looking for that sweet spot of Alpha Bucks: Tall, handsome, successful men who can give her both tingles, and marriage/family/financial stability. The search for this rare creature with the threat of Spinsterhood looming is what sparks women to complain that they "can't find a decent guy" even though she's been on numerous dates. Anytime a woman asks The Big Question when she's hitting the Wall, she's really asking "Where are all the Alpha Bucks?".How to identify a woman in her Epiphany PhaseTo qualify for Epiphany Phase, a woman should be:

  • In her late 20s/early 30s with no kids
  • Chasing Chad (or top 20%) for the purposes of "settling down and starting a family"
  • Admitting to a promiscuous, serial-dating past, and now has a sense of urgency or seriousness to settle down. This is key.

She will usually say things like "I'm ready to settle down and start a family, but I can't find a decent guy", "All my girlfriends are getting married but I'm still single", "I've had lots of relationships that were short-term and superficial. I want something real now", "Life is short, I'm not getting any younger", "Tired of casual dating and hookups. I'm looking for the one, my soul mate", "Where are all the good men? I'm done dating jerks and want something serious now", "I'm turning 30 and losing hope on ever getting married and having a family".Single moms generally don't qualify for Epiphany Phase even if she wants to settle down with someone tall, because she's far more interested in finding someone to help raise her kids and provide financial stability, and is therefore more open to "settling down" with Beta Bucks as soon as possible. Epiphany Phase women in contrast are exclusivelychasing Chad for tingles and to start a family with.Oh yeah, one last thing: You might feel your heartstrings tugging for the woman in the video, but you should never feel sorry for women hitting the Wall and complaining about still being single. Why? Because she had a decade to choose the guy who wasn't over 6ft tall; a decade to choose the guy who wasn't a thug; a decade to say something other than "Let's just be friends". And now she's whining about being single to thousands of loyal, supportive male followers who she still won't choose. And this resolve to hold out for Mr. Perfect at the last minute is what causes many Epiphany Phase women to end up as well-deserved Leftovers.The Epiphany Phase Carol has been added to our list of Carols and is considered a weekday/anytime post. Other women in the Epiphany Phase can be found here. Also, take a moment to read u/moorekom's reply below about the Epiphany Phase for greater insights.Mods: We want to be sure the woman is in her late 20s/early 30s with no kids before flairing Epiphany Phase, as there are numerous women of all ages and with kids who say they want to "settle down". And because most women posted here fit multiple Carol types, the Epiphany Phase woman can also be flaired Cock Carousel Rider, Chasing Chad, or even The Big Question. But here we aim to distinguish those women who show evidence of a promiscuous past and now has a sense of urgency or seriousness to settle down when she's hitting the Wall. That urgency or seriousness to settle down is key to avoid flairing all women as Epiphany Phase just because she's in her late 20s and is now seeking commitment. If there's no sense of urgency or seriousness to "settle down and start a family", then she should be given another flair such as Chasing Chad or CC Rider." Source : kevin32 Reddit's Ambassador for NiceGuys™ -------------------------------------- Agreed on the topic of Alpha bucks. I wrote a post on this phenomenon a while ago.Women's party years (high school/college) are all about AF. Party years until epiphany is all about AB. She is not just looking for an alpha, she is looking for the complete package. Look out for key words like dream guy, Mr. Big, power couple etc. Once it becomes clear she cannot lock down an AB, only then will she look for a BB and she will turn all her resentment on this guy for not being what she wants.

The Epiphany Phase is that period when a woman hitting the Wall has to reassess the last decade of her life and determine why she's still single even though she's "smart", "attractive", "successful".

I call this the maturity myth. Women think of all their "experimentation" and "finding herself" as character building. She has been "sowing her wild oats" or "having fun" or "finding herself" or "maturing" to figure out that what she wants in life is a complete package(AB). In her mind, all the AF guys only showed her what she was missing. Anytime girls say they want a man and not a boy, it's them rationalizing to themselves and signaling to others how they just haven't been wasting all their potential so far. This is why they try to use fuckboy as a derogatory term. It signifies AF and in their view, he's only good for a fuck but not worthy of their commitment.A girl who is chasing after a AB early on and locks him down is utilizing her hypergamy perfectly. We won't see these girls often here unless they are attempting to branch swing to a better alpha. Third world country women do this a lot if they don't have a family or social structure that will instill heavy societal dread and punish them for this. This is why it is advised to stay in another country if you marry a woman from that country. Or you need to move to a place where that community is the strongest to retain that social structure.Modern girls these days will abuse their hypergamy to look for better and better. The analogy I usually use is that: Hypergamy, regulated by society is a step-up. But these days it is a ladder. They go through a huge number of AF to decide that they want someone who is going to be the complete package. Most men do not understand that this is the advantage feminism gives to women. It is not natural for women to go through a bevy of Alpha fucks only for them to decide to settle for an AB. Without "empowerment", women will look for an AB and might settle for a BB. They might fuck a pool boy later on, but it will never come before securing commitment.When it comes to the epiphany phase itself, Rollo explains it as...

there comes a point on women’s SMV (sexual market value) progression where she becomes cognizant of her SMV decline and impending date with The Wall. Generally this occurs in women’s late 20’s and possibly early 30’s but as a rough estimate on the graph I provided in that post, this is the point of transition at which women realize their decaying capacity to hypergamously compete with women in their sexual primes, and the point at which men are beginning to realize their own increasing SMV potential.

Most of what he describes is only from a point of AF/BB and I don't think it correctly captures the quest for AB in the interim that we are discussing. In the manosphere, we assume that women understand that AB is very rare and thus they settle for AF and then BB. But what is often overlooked is that women do want Alpha bucks, look for it and prefer it over anything else.Women go through a series of Alpha fucks guys in the beginning, especially in college. As they age and as their family and society demands to settle down with a guy, they start looking for an Alpha Bucks. A lot of them might just try to lock down a player they are fucking (what better ego boost than to say that she changed an AF to an AB) or they will start looking for "good men". Good men in their dictionary almost never means BB. They settle for BB only after having exhausted their options to lock-down an AB. A lot of these women might never go for an AB guy when they are young. The ones that do will come from a good family with a strong father figure. The majority will want to slut it up for a while and then would want to lock down an AB. AB guys usually don't go for these girls and would either choose to go for the minority of girls from good family or they end up turning into an AF themselves. For example, Leonardo DiCaprio is a good AB in paper. But, he chose to pump and dump girls forever. There was a recent post in the wall sub where they showed how the age of Leo's girlfriends never exceed 23 or 25. We are looking at two points in the epiphany phase here.*The point where your average slut wants to stop riding the cc and wants to lock down a complete package AB.*The point where said slut admits failure, becomes desperate that she is slamming into the wall and settles for a BB.Dalrock has covered in his blog about the fact that almost 80% of white women get married by 40s. This is why. He also covers how marriage is part and parcel of the "having it all" feminist dream. Source : moorekom ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------