There is a lot of men here who write their personal version of what alpha means. To a lot of them, being alpha is being some hero, who is good, and solves everything without hurting anyone, without getting angry, without losing his frame.

Those are good points, but there is still some bluepill to that.

Being alpha means simply to always take care about your self interest, to always win. If your self interest tells you to fuck someone over,you do that, without thinking about the other person's feelings.You are a man looking out only about yourself.

If your self interest tells you that you dont want to spend money in child alimony, you are right to think that.

A lot of men would say to you that you need to take responsability. But why? What does taking responsability even mean? It means sacrificing your own interest. That is beta. The alpha thing would be to never pay, and even abandon your own children. being alpha doesnt have anything to do with morals. To you,maybe a father who abandons his children is not alpha. but what you think doesnt matter. What matters is that he did the best about himslef. Again, being alpha is relative. Whatever makes you accomplish your own best interest, is alpha.

I used this example of fatherhood,because another funny thing i see here on TRP is the concept that a real man is a good father, and raises a family like a patriarch. Maybe that is alpha to you, because thats what you desire for yourself. You want that, so you call that an accomplishment. Good for you. But that is not a universal truth,that doesnt mean that every man in this world has the same interest like you. So declaring that like something alpha that everyone should follow is retarded.By your logic,Dicaprio is a beta, and 90% of the men and animals are alpha.

Another thing, desiring to have a family, and wanting to pair bond with only one woman, is in general a trait of weak,domesticated men. I swear, im not one of those who try to sound edgy. This is a simple truth who you can confirm yourself by observing how womean treat nice ,romantic men and good fathers. They are the first ones who go to DivorceRape Land.

The original men, non westernized ones, the true alpha men of past times, could never get tamed. They had plates, harems, they got bored of hoes and falled in love, they had side hoes, they got bored of love and got back to harems again etc. They had children with several woman without caring much how they were raised. Thats a woman's job,. They always did what felt good for them to the moment. They never planned to SEttle down . They always listened to their feelings and self interest and decided to act accordingly.

Real men arent monogamist, their high level of testosterone doesnt allow that. These kind of men have high energy, are agressive, they live life 100% only about themselves. they are succesful in doing the human no1 duty :taking care of themselves.

Thats why women love them so much, even in modern days. Because they are justlike nature intended the men to be.They are not modified and made less attractive by cultural norms. If you give to a bee a very beautiful paper flower, and an average natural flower, the bee will go to the natural flower. No matter how nice and decent some men might be, women will always want the bad ones, because thats how nature made them.

Culture can never fight nature.So you continue congratulating yourself what a great man and father you are, those might be culturally good thing, but to a woman those are weak, unnatural traits. Now, im not saying, never have children or that having children is beta, no. having children is a neutral thing, both alphas and betas do them,it doesnt mean anything. Even animals have them ,it doesnt have anything to do with being alpha or beta. You do what the fuck you want. But recognise that those are not attractive traits. Do not tell to women that you desire childen , family and a calm life. Do those things like you are doing her a favour, and sacrficing your masculine imperative. Because in modern times, thats what you are doing.