Do you think men and women are equal by nature, but they are raised differently? Or are men and women unequal by nature?

What would the ideal society look like? Greek? Roman? Carolingian? Chinese? Meiji/shogunate-era Japan? Or something novel?

First post. I apologize if I'm breaking any rules.

EDIT: You guys are right, "equal" is not a very specific term when I'm talking about people. Women and men are well-known to be unequal in terms of physical strength for example.

By "equal" I mean in intrinsic value. In a trolley problem, if you have to kill a man or a woman, who would you choose? In the sinking of the Titanic most men sacrificed themselves for women to survive, so it's safe to say that society at the time thought women were worth more than men. Do you believe one is worth more? Or are they "worth" the same value, assuming everything else is equal?