Introduction I just had an experience that I never thought possible of myself. I'll try to keep it short but a lot happened. This story involves 5 girls; HB9, HB8, HB7, HB6, and HB4. I basically turned standard girl talk into an entire conversation about myself and my imaginary life and made all of them forget what they were talking about. All 5 were invested entirely in me by the end of the meal and 2 of them were throwing me tons of IOI's.

Body This takes place at my college's buffet eating area. I was warming up a bagel in the toaster when HB8 comes and gets a bagel. I say, "You can't have those, those are my bagels." She is not amused and takes one. I tease her about not toasting it and she throws me a shady look. I laugh it off and get my food. I see HB9 (a girl from my class who I'm partners with on a project) and walk to their table. "Can I sit here or is this table reserved for cool kids". Her - "It's a girls only table." Blue pill me would have walked away but I didn't even break my facial expression and said, "I just had my operation today. So can I sit down?" She said yeah and laughed. Game on. Her other friends come back and I ask if I took someones chair. They said yeah and I said, "I almost feel bad." They go into girl talk for a few minutes and I chime in twice but I feel myself being kicked out of the conversation. HB9 asks me where I'm from. This is where the fun starts. "I'm from Krypton." I say with the straightest face I have. All of them look at me and wait for a laugh. I keep a straight face and continue eating. They all keep asking me (except for HB8 cause shes a cunt) where I'm from. I say Krypton again. They ask my age and I reply with 20,000. I'm eating during most of the questions they continue to ask me and wait till I'm done chewing to answer their questions. They all look at me with gleaming eyes waiting for every answer. I get up several times to get more food and everytime I come back the conversation is immediately back on me. HB7 starts throwing me eyes and playing along heavily with my lies. HB6 plays along a good bit but I really don't care. I had no intention of going for any of them. I was just bored and felt like entertaining myself. I keep checking out random girls around the room and head nodding random people I know. HB7 and HB6 keep looking to see who it is (I told them I had no friends). I'm eating with my left hand (training myself to be ampidextrious) and HB9 asks if I'm left handed. I say, "No, my right hand is broken," and immediatly take a drink with my right hand. They all start laughing (except for HB8, still a bitch) and I still have kept a straight face the whole time. HB4 chimes in that she is left handed. "God hates you." HB9 almost spit her food out and HB7 and HB6 were shocked but amused. They ask where I heard that and reply, "The nuns who smacked my hands with rulers growing up." I'm tired of HB8 being a bitch so I call her out on it. "You all seem nice. Except HB8, she's still giving me the 'Why the fuck is this guy here' look." I then say,"Thats fine though. I like honesty." Everyone including HB8 laughs. By the end of this none of them were talking to each other. Only me and were all very interested in what I had to say. HB4 was even throwing me eyes even though I told her god hated her. Even HB9 was giving me looks but I really don't have interest in her outside of getting a good grade on my project. I may use her for social circle game in the future though.

Closing I understand if this sounds cringey but I don't care. They were all laughing and on good terms at the end (except HB8 lol don't eat my bagles bitch). This is good fun and helps to remove the filter on my conversations. Would I game a girl like this? Hell no. But entertain myself after a long boring day. Hell yeah. Never thought I could randomly sit down at a table of reasonably attractive girls and change their entire conversation to me. I managed to keep frame and even had them asking if they were on the show punked by the end because how solid I was. Today I have shocked myself.