tl;dr title.

we've came to know that in order to get someone to do something for you, we need to appeal to their self interest, what will it benefit them if they fulfill the task you have at hand for them. Well similar to appeal to people's self interest we can also appeal to our self interest in order to get what we want ( sounds crazy i know but that's how it works ) it takes more than motivation inspiration or even discipline, without having a drive to do what we need to do we won't execute it to the best of our ability this is where negotiating with ourselves comes into play. In order to have constant motivation we need to remind ourselves why we need to do what we're doing and that could be anything losing weight, getting buff whatever it may be.

external reaction - i'm too lazy to hit the gym today think i will stay in

Inner negotiation - why i need to get fit " you've been fat your entire life 300 000 people die of obesity annually your mom would be devastated if you're added to that 300k " you now have a reason why we need to go to the gym and you've successful negotiated with yourself

external reaction - i don't feel like reading any books anymore i would honestly prefer to play videos and lay on the couch

Inner negotiation - why you need to read books " knowledge is power, the game is always being played either you participate or get used, do you remember that time a sleasy sales man duped your parents and manage to fool them into buying something they didnt need and ended up being bankrupt, if you finish reading the 48 laws of power you would machiavelli tactics that some people use and you can protect your family from this happening again "

These are the best two examples i can think of at this moment but i hope you guys get the picture of what i'm getting at. So basically in order to dominate life and find the driving force we need to get shit done we have to negotiate a strong reason with ourselves why it's impeccable we put a 100% effort to get the job done. We can use any reasons we want it doesn't matter once it gives us a drive to get our work done.

Lessons learned

we must run game on ourselves to fulfill task we need done.

motivation, inspiration and discipline is not enough, we need a reason in order to create that driving force so we're putting in 100% to perform the task at hand, whatever it may be. If our hearts and mind are not into what we're doing we will do it half heartedly.