Hey my fellow MGTOW I woke up today to see how a man who I a distant acquaintance of and considered working on a project together is now engaged to be married . He seems like a smart guy , not as successful as he'd like to be , and he's been on a great health kick with solid results.

I'm just kind of amazed that we all live in the same world , I'm a millennial and so is he, and most of us are exposed to the same media and social media . We both have to see Twitters full of " Men ain't shits" and I know I can't be the only one who notices friends whose social media profiles bounce between pictures of their loving wife/ girlfriend and then sudden picture removals , solo profile pics where they previously had nothing but pics together , and more .

Even bigger than that the information on divorces and how men are ravaged in divorce is more accessible , available, and discussed than ever.

He is only one of a few men who I've known who still choose to get married in this climate and I am shocked ... I don't get it .

I don't know how a man can see what the landscape for marriage and divorce looks like and turn a blind eye.

Maybe It's "love" blinding them but how does a man completely suspend his logic to pursue marriage in a time where it's clear marriage offers a man no benefit . It doens't get you more companionship , we live in a culture who doesn't believe it entitles you to more marital rights towards your wife ....in fact the guys having sex with her behind your back will probably have a more intimate grasp of your wife than you will during marriage.

I keep reading countless stories of older men or men who have been " happily married" for decades only to be financially obliterated and have to spend the next 10 years rebuilding .

I'm just amazed that men are still choosing to get married in the current year, I know it's at a lower rate than ever in history but I just see willing destruction.