I know many of you have passed the anger stage. For those of you who haven't let me give some insight into what frame you're holding.

To be angry is to frame yourself as “ripped off.” Thing aren't the way they're supposed to be. You've been robbed, hard done by, you’re the weak one who’s been trampled over, the victim of circumstances, of biology, of feminism, of an unfair world. In the midst of anger you are taking no responsibility for your own life.

Ask yourself: is this the frame of a true alpha?

When many of us first take the red pill and become angry we might read, read, read and then take on the outward behaviours of an alpha. This reaps results of course but as long as you’re still angry then you haven’t internalised what you’ve read at all.

But what can I say. As men we are outcome focused. This isn’t about how we feel. This is about getting somewhere. Broadly speaking we all want an individual variation of the same thing: to look good, be successful, achieve things and have pussy on tap. Any sort of method to get us that is going to be good enough - for a while. But things won’t truly shift for you until you change your frame to peace with the pill.

The red pill is about TRUTH. It’s about knowing the way things really are and accepting it. Accepting it and working within that truth. That the world simply is the way it is and instead of being angry about it and fighting against it, use your newfound knowledge to emancipate yourself and create the life you truly want. And that’s the frame of a true alpha: not angry at anyone or anything. He doesn’t give a shit. Just busy living his own life and killing it.