Society has reached a dead end when people who have never committed a crime, who have never been accused by somebody they've met, who have never been convicted nor arrested can be called a rapist, when the very people committing the crimes are ignored.

Hi, I'm red pill school, and I have never raped anybody. Not even spousal rape-- despite the myth which continues to persist that because we disagree with the term, we're actually out there raping our wives.

I've been labeled a rapist by feminists and a large majority of reddit who have heard of me, but haven't taken the time to read much of what I've written, or read what was pasted out of context.

Now, I'm not saying anybody needs to take sides. But let's face it: how much honor does somebody have to mislabel me a rapist when there are real rape victims that really exist. Seems to me, maybe there's more to these redpillers than they're given credit. Since, you know, they're not the ones wildly accusing everybody of rape.

Shame on you.