Weak men, translate she is much better then me as higher value

Today men are fucking wimps, its insane. So my downstairs neighbour is 42 she got a 10y old kid.

She just got back with her loser boyfriend, and i wonder why. Honest for her age she is hot, she is very active she travels etc...

The thing i don't get is men lowering themselves and submitting. She as access to the yard and she build a small patio. Sadly each time they eat outside and i am a night worker so i sleep during the day i hear all there conversations.

What gets me is men that lower themselves and put women in a pedestal. So they other day, they went climbing, he was like i can't believe how good she was compared to me, at my age and fuck this idiot is younger then me, i am 47, well i surely can't do that.....

Weak men, translate she is much better then me as higher value, the other day i felt like screaming at him hey wimp can you put yourself down even more....

Instead of challenging her, getting in better shape, no whine and having that dad body, now i know each time she sees me why she gives me the eye, first cause i don't give a fuck about her, and i surely will never put a women on a pedestal....

Today men are really fucking wimp slave to women.