Preface: This might seem boring but it's a powerful read. There is a massive ideological warfare going on out there, and this is a tool for your survival.

If you were to have a political conversation with me you'd probably assume that I'm right winged. But I'm a centrist, or rather I define myself as such.

What makes me define myself as a centrist individual in spite of my views, is not the views themselves but how I came to them. The views I hold are the result of iron dogmas of thought, an ascetic way of political thought. A lot of what drives us in political motivation, and what largely distinguishes the politically enlightened from the average, is our response to the mental rewards resulting of ideological fantasies. Keep in mind that when I say "reward" I do not mean comforts or pleasure. Anger doesn't feel good, but it is a powerful mental reward, as it is integral in obtaining our attention, to the point that we subconsciously seek out anger even though it doesn't feel good. This is a tool used to control you. You've fallen for it many times and are surrounded by groups using it to control your interests. The way of fighting it is asceticism.

Mental asceticism

Mental asceticism is the way of thought in which you strive to eliminate these mental rewards and prevent them from leading you astray from obtaining a wholesome ideological revelation. Once you discipline yourself from this system of thought you are free to ascertain ideological truth in all political environments. This is nigh impossible. But it's a spectrum, in which it is useful to travel towards it even though we may never truly reach it.

There are many extremely common fallacious lines of thought that clearly stem from a failure to separate your feelings from political matters. In fact, this subreddit is an extreme variant on the aforementioned anger controlled philosophies. The gleeful discussion of women's misfortunes tips the hand of the poster's inner thoughts. Actually, the previous sentence was made to arouse you into feeling this bias. Many of you, but perhaps not all of you, will probably have felt a bias then and there to disagree with my statements simply because you think I might be out to shill for women. "Women's issues", a term that just drips with leftism. This is an important pitfall to take note of, as a line of defense against the insidious tool used to truly control you:


To bring some more primal philosophies into this matter: There are two forms of logical assertions, deduction, in which you make an assertion in sound logic rooted in facts, and speculation, in which you make an assertion, without one or both factors that make deductions useful. You only need to remove logic or facts to make a deduction entirely useless. True deductions are idealistic and don't truly exist, we can only make due with what we have.

The majority of informative networks are out to push fallacious narratives. Their weapon of choice is speculation. In the vast majority of cases in which people utilize speculation to subvert deductive reasoning they use sound logic but replace facts with an appeal to emotions. Make no mistake, this comes from both sides. Leftists appeal to the sore emotions of rape in order to justify their actions required to stop "patriarchy". The traditional right appeals to the bereavement of freedom by the government to deploy various legislature. The government largely appeals to the fear of terrorism to erode personal freedoms and so forth.

The reason why I define myself as a centrist is because at the core of my beliefs I battle speculation above all. To define myself as something else is to give heed to the political theatre at large. The speculation is a play that is set to divert attention from the true agendas. The war on drugs is rooted in speculation on the effectiveness of law enforcement, but truly meant to control the populace. Censorship of media is rooted in the speculation that media can drive you to violence, appeals to emotion include "think of the children", but is truly meant to control the populace. The application to subvert logic with speculation is endless, both in theory and in the real world.

Conclusion Skepticism is the immune system of ideologies, and financial interests infect us by pushing for restrictions for discussion and thought. We are tought what we're "allowed" to think and feel. Our bastions of defence is this:

1. Identify when your feelings cloud your judgement. Learn to ascertain when someone is appealing to your emotions and subverting logic

2.Fight for your rights. Freedom of expression and freedom of criticism are the two things that are required to foster healthy philosophical discussion. We are free to criticize but we are not entitled to not be criticized. If you want a true redpill, then this is it.

As a human right you need to prioritize freedom of expression and freedom of criticism above all else. Logic is born within freedom. Illogical ways are born within a controlled environment.

Important afterwords

The current method to suppress free thought is to rebrand criticism as harassment and make this "harassment" illegal, therefore stifling critical thinking and freedom of logic illegal.

To be quite honest this falls more into iron pill way of thinking. I further expound on the iron path if there is interest.