In my country I have seen quite something about emancipation, lots of jokes about that women should just do something themselves since they are so emancipated and all that.

Which got me thinking and realizing, that in the times when women are emancipating, they haven't done anything. They want higher positions, but can't get it because they are incapable and second, they are not prepared to do the shit jobs some of us men do, such as being garbage men, plumbers, and other dirty jobs from shows of Mike Rowe. They just want the good, none of the bad (wow, big surprise right there /s).

While actually, the men have emancipated or whatever you would like to call if for the male gender. In traditional families, the men are still not able to cook a decent meal, wash, iron a shirt, or any other chore that a woman used to do. Basically, he's hopless in the household. In these modern times, the average 25 year old can do all of the chores that a woman used to do 30-80 years ago. Basically, we learned to be fully independent in the household from women, and that's only good. What kind of man isn't even capable of using a hot piece of iron to straighten his shirt? Even if it wasn't your role, in 30 years of your life you should have learned it atleast.

Which brings me to the next point, where women are still hopeless when it comes to opening jars, fixing stuff around the house, let alone change a punctured tyre with a spare in the trunk, because god forbid a woman jacking a car up, loosening 5 nuts, replacing the wheel and tightening it again. No, it's the duty of a man to drive to fuck knows where to get some 10 minute easy shit done.

We live in a time where a man learned to live without a woman, but a woman is still as dependent on the man as some generations ago. All the while women were so busy emancipating, we didn't even really notice we have emancipated alot better than women without even realizing it.