A recent post blasted guys who seemed to be asking for scripts or step-by-step details or what-have-you. I don't think the guy was necessarily wrong in his post, because certainly there are guys who keep asking for information without ever implementing what they have already gotten or can find in the sidebar. That being said, I also don't think there is anything wrong with guys asking for specific advice, or for their hand to be held.

Think about cold calls. Grant Cardone mentioned in a video of his that the reason most people don't cold call is not because of fear, but because they lack the skills. They don't know what to say, they don't know how to word things. If you've ever been in sales you realize how you word things is crucial to moving forward.

How do you get around fear of the phone? You practice scripts and you envision scenarios where specific objections come out. You watch others do it and study their tone, their posture, their cadence, etc. It's a skill to sell people, and PUA basically theorizes that skill is required to get pussy unless such skill is already natural to you. Why? Because PUA is no different from sales.

So, go ahead and use scripts, practice in front of a mirror, and then pop your cherry with a 5 at the bar, preferably with a more experienced friend watching you fuck up. Guys who are asking for specific info have already flagged that they are getting over the fear element but need a way forward because they are hitting objections. It's no different from the guy who has done the sale well but hits walls during the close.