Found this nugget in /r/athiesm.

Wow I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Oddly enough my dad kicked me out too. He was incredibly manipulative and would threaten the car insurance/ canceling my phone etc every time we fought. It got to a point where I was working 7 days a week and he thought I wasn’t doing enough and just skating by until my boyfriend asked me to be his wife. Totally not accurate but there was no reasoning with my dad so I had to move across the country to live with my mom.

Sometimes I venture to r/raisedbynarcissist and find post that remind me of him. I definitely recommend taking a look over there, just a good reminder you’re not alone. It’s horrible your dad did that because of his belief in “gods plan” and whatever influence your critical thinking could have had on your siblings. Truly sorry you had to go through that. Seriously awesome that you stayed strong in what you believe though, my dad still things I’m a Christian just “straying from the path” can’t imagine how it’d be if he really knew.

If she allegedly is working 7 days a week, how come dad still needs to pay for her car insurance and phone bill? Presumably she isn't paying rent, since he threatened to kick her out.

Anyway fortunately she managed to find beta bux BF to rescue her, I predict that he will be a Narcassist in a few years when he starts to question why he is carrying her ass. Expect the standard abuse allegations against him etc.

You will find out with hardcore Athiests, where they relentlessly attack Religion hate Religion since it points out what type of parasites they are. They are essentially devoid of any morals except the right to parasite.