Disclaimer: Key word being COMFORTABLE taking risk, not oblivious to all risk and derping your little shitty life straight off a cliff.

Let's begin. Men have always had an evolutionary need to take risk. In the hunter gatherer society, we are the hunters. Were the ones out defending the perimeter, hunting big angry game with fangs and horns to gore us to death if we fuck up. Women stay back at camp gathering berries and weaving baskets. Their risk is a reed might give them a paper cut. This is why women incessantly bitch about their tiny problems because they really don't have any.

Same goes in the sexual marketplace. Man must approach. Man must risk losing face. He must risk rejection. He must risk being the laughing stock of the peanut gallery. He must risk approaching the wrong chick and having to fight Caveman Chad. Woman must risk.....?.... Anyone? Bueller?

Lol so risk and men go together like two things that really fucking go together well. Risk is your friend. Risk is the main way you put yourself in the top 20%. Risk is the only way you can show confidence and confidence is key.

So stop blabbing and tell me some relevant examples already! Ok, risk is being yourself. ALRIGHT NOW FOLLOW ME FOR A SECOND HERE: I know you've heard be yourself so many times that at this point it is only rage enducing but we're going to go deeper.

The main issue is people have no clue who the fuck they are. And even beyond that they don't care to find out. They don't WANT to be themselves. They want to find someone else to tell them how to live. How to be. To tell them what they are.

Look there are many facets to who you are, and every person is a bit different. But the first one we want to focus on with fucking bitches is the sexual you. Your sexuality. Your sexual side. Your kinks. All that shit. Your masculine testosterone horny fucking energy. This is the number one thing that betas are afraid to show, so they suppress it, and then they walk up to the girl basically as a eunic on an energetic level and then think he can get her with his polite manners. Dude. Besides money, tattoos and my dick, the only thing that reliably turns women on is feeling unbridled, confident, male horniness. As the great "50 years" once said,


You have to risk being creepy. You have to risk being shut down. You have to risk the girl being disgusted and thinking you're a dirty old man. This is the only thing stopping every beta from approaching and thereby is the MAIN difference between betas and alphas. Talk about square jaws and bank accounts all you want but if you are a rich GQ model but you're a little bitch coward who is ashamed of his sexuality, your success in the sexual market place will be limited.

On the other hand you can be a fat, disgusting slob and yet if you get this right you can kill it with women. Dude I know who's fucked the most women was a 350+lb 5'5" lardass who was addicted to pills and had 0 in his bank account, but what he did have was he ALWAYS risked being himself, showing the world WHAT HE WANTS and had no psychological hangups about being sexual with girls. I mean by all accounts he "should" right? This is the dude society does not want to reproduce and yet he is in sexual abundance. Why?

Because he is comfortable as a newborn babe with risk. Specifically risking being himself and risking being his sexual self with women... All the time.

You should be sexual from the get go. Dont open by talking about sex but talking LIKE sex. Move like sex. Fucking be like sex. You are sex dude. You are sex machine right? Otherwise what are you offering her? Your money so she can cuck you? Your good looks as arm candy? Fuck that.

All I got for hoe's is hard dick and bubble gum.

Get comfy with risk. It screams alpha.
