As many of you may know, Buyer's Remorse is a concept that originated in the PUAsphere.  The term is generally described as a girl that regrets the sex from a one-night stand, and according to the PUAs, is more specific to not building enough comfort or spending enough time together prior to fucking on the first date.  This is why she won't text you back or want to meet again.  This definition however, is ultimately Blue Pill thinking, or Purple Pill/ hamstering at best if you will, as it borders on ego preservation and fails to address real intersexual dynamics pertaining to the encounter.  She doesn't regret the sex (TRP/AF), she regrets the lack of boyfriend qualities that necessitates an ongoing committment possibility (BP/Betabux), yet those beta qualities that she wants are not what made her fuck you based on looks.  She doesn't realize this.

If she sees you as Chad, she won't 'regret' fucking you as fast as she can.  She would be validated based on the sex itself with a high SMV guy and want MORE sex, not distancing herself from you.  If she doesn't want more based on sex alone, she regrets that the sex didn't net her other non-sexual benefits (security, provisioning, etc.) Because when you try to initiate another hangout just for sex, she isn't interested.  A dinner date, maybe, but sex?  No.

Let's look at a few examples as to why she would actually lose interest and thus be branded with Buyer's Remorse.

1.  You were a 10 in looks, but you were horrible in the bedroom.  2.  You cried all your insecurities to her and told your life story after sex. 3.  You reveal to her that the awesome apartment/house you bedded her in was your brothers/friends and you have no status or money (she thought she would get Alpha Bux).  4.  You use her as a rebound and get back with someone and this dynamic is made known to her. 5.  You got her incredibly wasted, therefore she wasn't able to make a sound decision based on her hypergamous instincts (oops i fucked a Dad-bod Beta).

These are just a few examples.  Building comfort/rapport and all those attributes are not conducive to sexual attraction and arousal, they are for security and committment.  She wanted to fuck you based on your looks, but your game, frame, and other qualities made her regret considering you as an option, so she basically wasted a notch.  Since women are only good for sex and it is their primary agency, the hamster will make the actual sex act as the source to blame, when in fact that isn't the real case of her not wanting to see you again.  This is where false accusations etc. comes into play.  It's like Buyers Remorse 2.0, upgraded by the fem-centric system (you are hot, but sucked at sex and are poor, you belong in jail).

TL;DR - If she doesn't want to see you again, it's simply because you aren't perceived as Alpha AFTER the one night stand, not because you didn't appeal to her fee fees before you got laid.  The PUA definition is Bluepilled because it automatically implies committment and return meetings based on pre-sex 'comfort' and not actual sex and post-sex behavior/SMV potential.